

  • Wow! Amazing! How do you find the time to workout? I feel that's my biggest struggle these days....
  • Hey! I have one kiddo - he is almost 8 months. I gained about 55 lbs - and i have lost about 24 lbs so far....but i also wasn't at a perfect weight when i got pregnant, so i'd like to loose 40 lbs on top of that. Fun!
  • That's so exciting! My baby was born May 20, 2011. I still have baby weight to loose, plus some more! :) What have you been doing/eating that you like?
  • Hey! I don't notice - and if the noises are loud enough that i hear them over my music then i think i smile a bit - cause they are getting a really good workout! :) Noises are not a bother - now visible sweat left on a machine or sprayed on me by the person next to me - now that's what annoys me! :)
  • Thank you so much! I look forward to it! :)
    in New! Comment by Lindsay543 January 2012