Somthing I tried and its good and diffrent. Let me know what you think. 1 Honey Maid Graham cracker ----70 Calories 15 Miniture Marshmallows ---25 Calories Smucker's Sugar free blackberry Jam----10 calories tbsp So I break the cracker in 1/2 and put marshmellows on the cracker and micro 20 seconds and other 1/2 use the jam…
Ok so I once again lost control over the weekend and the scale went up. Does this mean I am not ready to do this weight loss. I am good when I am home but once I leave town or go away for the weekend I am out of control and I feel part of it is cause I dont have a computer to log in to MFP. Does any one else have this…
So I am nervous about getting Loose skin, is there any one else that worries about this? What exercise is good to help control it.
When is the best time to weigh your self? Ive been doing it in the morning.