Does anybody here use any kind of diet pills or supplements in their aid to lose weight?
i do not quite understand. i thought that 3500 calories less equal one pound lost. so what does this mean to eat not only your daily allowance of for me, 1284 calories, but eat my exercise calories as well? how does this work to help you lose weight? thank you for your responses.
is anybody here using the ab coaster and if so, what are your results?
i have been utilizing now for about two months. i have done the adventure boot camp for 30 days. i do yoga three times a week, and aerobics five times a week. i have only lost 2 lbs. in 90 days. i eat nutritionally and 1200 calories a day. i had my thyroid checked as well. all normal. i am 152 lbs. now and…
hello, my name is Theresa, and I am new here. I have been using MFP now for a month and I am very pleased with the ease of use. This is my first post and attempt at a message board. I am very encouraged seeing all of your wonderful progress. Keep up the good work.