Just wondering if any of you take energy drinks or other forms of caffeine before a workout? I normally don't.. but ive been so stressed/tired with exams at the moment that lately have had a sugar free energy drink about 1/2 hour before a run and i actually do notice a difference in my performance. Im just wondering if its…
Hey guys.. just curious to hear your thoughts on taking days off from exercise. How many, if any do you take off a week? Do you feel it's important to do that? I absolutely love fitness.. to the point where i train sometimes twice a day. I do it because i 1)enjoy it 2)have the energy 3)i make the time and 4)am injury free…
hey there my name is Sera, i'm originally from canada but have been living in new zealand for 6 years and I'm new to this =) i found this through the application store on itunes. I will most likely be doing the majority of my tracking via my iphone although perhaps it's easier on the computer? guess i will find out! ive…
hey guys.. sorry if this has been asked before but i am wondering how i can add bodypump (55min weight training class) to my strength training? People in aussie/NZ will know what i am on about.. it asks for reps/sets so i'm not exactly sure what i would put down for that since the entire class is a mix of everything and i…