I am a super busy gal and working out in the morning would be ideal for me however im just always to sleepy and unmotivated to get my butt the the gym. Does anyone have any experience in this that they can give me some tips. If i could get a morning workout in i could increase my frequency at the gym dramaticly, i just…
sounds silly but does anyone have any advice on how to keep your hair clean and fresh after a work out so you dont have to wash your hair in the shower every day you work out. For someone like myself who has very long and thick hair, it is a pain in the put to wash my hair every day i work out. If i just wash my body and…
Hey guys does anyone have any recommendations for an App that plays good workout music, i dont even know if one exists. I currently have Pandora which is ok, but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!
Hello All, Quick question, my boyfriend and I love eating indian food however everything i seem to eat is packed with calories, can anyone tell me a healthy Indian food to order instead of my fav chiken tikka masala ha? Same goes with Chinese food, sooo yummy but soooo fattening. Thanks so muc for your help!