Musclefat2k’s "I AM JUGGERNAUT" Final Wrap Up Log I’d like to start off by thanking INFINTE LAB for inviting me to participate in the 2012 I AM JUGGERNAUT Challenge. As I stated in my opening log, I have never openly participated in anything like this before and to accept this challenge meant that I would have to face my…
Finally in the 250 lb club So excited right now to be able to say i'm in the 250 lb club right now. Weighing in a 258.6 lbs for two days, and under 260 now for three days. I'm sure it's fat and not water and i'm excited to say that I'm pushing through to my original goal of 250 lbs even. A weight i havent seen in over 20…
Just trying to test how to post a food pic
So used to dieting and trying to make the right decisions for so long that even when i eat something that I know is healthy enough for me to eat, I feel like if it taste too too good then it's causing some damage somewhere. Hope I can get past this at some point. I had a Carb Conscious Protein Bar and I swear it taste like…
About to JUST START! Not going to wait until the new year. Just going to START RIGHT NOW after hitting the post topic buton. Would like to lose 65 lbs and get on with my life. #thatisall