Speedos or board shorts?
When many women lose weight and get fit they celebrate being able to show it off in a bikini. If guys put in the effort to get to a healthy weight and exercise to get toned, shouldn't they also be allowed to show it off? Speedos are practical for (you guessed it) swimming, comfortable, dry fast, and leave a nice tan line.…
This last week of Winter is unseasonably warm and, this brings up thoughts of swimsuit season. So consider this: When many women lose weight and get fit, they celebrate being able to show it off in a bikini. If guys put in the effort to get to a healthy weight and exercise to get toned, shouldn't they also be allowed to…
A recent article on CNN reported that 2/3 of the US population is over weight or obese. In some states (especially in the South) the obesity rates is 30%. I don't understand how we can worship super thtin super mmodels and spend billions on diet products and still have such a problem. What's it going to take?