It’s time for speedos to be accepted in America. When many women lose weight and get fit they celebrate and show it off in a bikini. If guys put in the effort to get to a healthy weight and exercise to get toned, they should also be allowed to show it off? Speedos are practical for (you guessed it) swimming, comfortable,…
Board shorts or Speedos, it's the obesity not the swim suit that is unappealing. IMO, board shorts are to swim suits as burkas are to head scarfs. Look or look away To each his/her own.
Way to go. Healthy is the new skinny!!!
Congratulations well done. Your weight tracker indicates 18 lbs to go. I'd suggest calculating your %bf. Loosing another 18 lbs. might not be healthy. Best of luck.
1/2 cup choc. soy milk w/1 cup coffee over ice in a blender (40 cal) 1/2 whole wheat bagel (140 cal) with 1 tbs peanut butter (100 cal) Total 280 cal
bump - what do others think?
This might sound totally unrealistic but, here goes any way. A few nights of going hungry ought to improve his day time appetite. Don't be afraid to set reasonable limits and expectations. The struggle will be worth it. After he turns 40 he'll be glad you made him develop good/healthy habits. Best of luck.
For what it's worth, I know a teenager won't overtly acknowledge the validity of any of this, but it's important that you tell him anyway. The eating habits he develops now will become increasingly hard to change later. Talk to him about the importance of healthy eating, healthy exercise, healthy sleep, healthy hygiene,…
Good message. Effective metaphore. A bit too graphic for the American audience but what we need to hear. I don't imagine it will show up on American TVs but perhaps if it went viral it would be picked up by the news chanels. It would be cool it kids were to email or facebook it to their parents.
Be proud of your accomplishments. Stay focused on your goals. Slow and steady wins the race. Take up health as a hobby. A healthy organism feels better. Healthy is the new skinny. Sleep well, Eat well, Exercise Meditate/Pray Have a hobby Make friends Make weight just one of a variety of numbers you track to improve your…
Now that's funny. Good response.
Paternal grandmother Irish, Paternal grandfather German, Maternal grandparents English going back to early settlers of Staten Island with some unspecified amount of native American. I think of my self as German-Irish-American. My favorite Ethnic identity was a person who told me he was "Texan".
I weigh every day first thing in the morning. I also measure neck and abdomen to estimate % body fat on Monday mornings. On monday mornings I also take my blood pressure and resting heart rate. My approach is to think of it as taking up health as a hobby. I've had kitchen magnets made up, for my counseling clients, that…
Happy birthday!! Advice from a 60 yo guy: Take up health as a hobby. Healthy is the new skinny: Eat well Sleep well Exercise Meditate/Pray Have a hobby Make friends Pay attention to weight as just one of several numbers that reflect your health: % body fat, blood pressure, resting heart rate, total cholesterol, HDL/LDL…
Congratulations!!! Well done. My message is take up health as a hobby. It can last a lifetime. "Healthy is the new skinny." Manage stress: Eat well Sleep well Exercise Meditate/Pray Have a hobby Make friends Best wishes for the future.
BMI iis not a good indicator of health because, it does not take into account what the weight consists of (i.e., muscle, fat, bones, organs, connective tissue etc.) Google "percent body fat and _Your_Town_" to find someone who can give you an accurate %BF. Then calculate gour goal weight based on a healthy %BF.
Monday and Friday (3 sets of 10) Bench: 110 Leg raises 95 Leg curls 75 Lat pull 95 Tricep press 65 Over head press 45 One Arm curls 25 Squats 45 Pushups 5x25 Situps 4x60 Side bends 25lbs, 3x20 Calf raises 45 3x20
When: 15 minutes ago - Seriously, 2 days/week. How: Major muscle groups (bench press, leg raises, leg curls, lat pulldowns, tricep press, overhead press, arm curls, squats, situps and pushups), low weight high reps. Start with a very low weight to prevent soreness and just make strength training a habit. Start with 3 sets…
pack healthy snacks, and only travel to places that have grocery stores so that you can resupply on healthy snacks.
For women this: For guys this:
Yeah, greatful to have legs sounds like good advice. I also focus on thinking of health as a hobbby. It can always be a work in progress, and a process to be enjoyed rather than a problem to be solved.
At 5'1" and 100 lbs your right on target or maybe even 5 lbs under. The general rule of thumb is 100 lbs for the first five feet and 6 lbs for each additional inch. A recent article in _Sports Health:_A Multiplydisciplinary Approach_ by Etchison (2011) found 62% false positive rate using BMI as a measure of obesity…
Skinny (i.e., Weight) is only one of the many numbers to track. Others include: BMI, Waist to Hip Ratio, % body fat, Total cholesterol, LDL/HDL Ratio, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, etc. All things being equal, the healthy organism feels better.
HEALTHY IS THE NEW SKINNY: Manage stress: Eat well Sleep well Exercise Meditate/Pray Have a hobby Make Friends
So this is OK with you, but this is not? I don't get it. Both are fine to me. Look or look away. Live and let live. And, how did sleeveless hoodies get into the conversation?
What's not to like? either way It's obesity (not the swimsuit) that's unappealing. Look or look away. Live and let live.
Everything in moderation. Including moderation. Too much moderation can be bad for you. You need some excess once in a while.