Diverticulis support/experience
Beginning of November I had extreme pain in my left side, no appetite, nausea, fever, shakes. Was started on Antibiotics in a clinic as suspected diverticulitis,and said should feel good in a couple of days. Well, after a couple of days I was worse (pain, not eating, shaking, diarrhea, fever, nausea etc...) so went to ER…
FODMAT Diet-Anyone one, or have tried
Looking at the possibility of starting the FODMAT Diet to help deal with some stomach issues I have been dealing with since Nov 2014. Have had three attacks of diverticulitis since November 2014, and the recent one this month ended up landing me in the hospital for 5 days. Both the recent round and the first have needed IV…
Looking for Quinoa recipes Please.
It was suggested to start using Quinoa as a way to help increase fiber, but I have never cooked with it before. Looking for some easy recipes that hopefully my picker hubby and son will like. Thanks
Looking for some goon Lentil Recipes
It was suggested to start cooking more with Lentils as a way to help increase fiber, but I don't usually cook a lot with lentils. Looking for some easy recipes that hopefully my picker hubby and son will like. Thanks
Where to Start?
I am feeling a little overwhelmed and frustrated here as to where to start and how. I need to make some serious life style changes for medical reasons. I work full time, commute, have a 12 year old, 2 dogs and a husband that works shift work so not sure how to find to time to work on "me". I have a body that does not seem…