Workout Wristbands (Fitbit vs. Jawbone)
Hey!! I am going to buy a workout wristband soon and was wondering if I could have some input as to which one you guys like and why... thanks!!
Perfect Pushup
With school and work I don't have time to commit to a workout dvd program or go to the gym, that being said has anyone bought and used the perfect pushup handles? I could fit this workout into my day and have room for it in my apt. as well. Did anyone see good results or is it just another As seen on tv fail??
Supplement Help!
hey guys! I am looking for some comments on taking everyday supplements like Tonalin CLA, multi's, omega 3's etc. I don't know much about it but need a way to boost my metabolism! Let me know if you can help me!
Does Insanity work??!
Are people having success with insanity? I did it for four weeks, ate a strict diet and not only did I maintain weight, but my measurements and BMI were the same as well. I felt tired due to the energy needed to do it, not stronger. Anyone else struggle with it or do I need to just give it another shot!
Boxing/Punching Bag workout
So my neighbor has a punching bag in his backyard that he said I could use, I am just curious does anyone have a good workout or circuit workout that I could do with just myself and the bag? I would love to lift etc, but with work and school I don't have time to get to the gym.