Rail Trails
Now that we can hopefully look forward to nicer weather, what Rail Trails have you tried and what are the highlights of them? I moved back to the Fairmont WV area and spent a good deal of time during the summer on the Marion County Trail. We would park at the east Fairmont end where there is small lot and very close and…
Does anyone else here love hot tea?
I've been drinking lots of hot tea lately. Cold weather and winter months can be a downer so I try to find things to love about this season and I just find tea very therapeutic I love holding a warm cup in my hands and that great smell. I know there are other tea lovers out there, so I thought it might be fun to make a…
USAToday2/3/14 Too much added sugar may be killing you
A new study finds that added sugar increases your risk of death from heart disease. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/03/added-sugars-heart-disease-death/5183799/
Incorrect Nutrition Info - Red Baron Thin Crust Singles
I read about these Red Baron Thin Crust Singles on a low carb forum. The nutrition info labeling on the box said these were 6 Total Carbohydrates and 1g Dietary Fiber. I called the company using the number on the box (months ago) and asked if this nutrition info was an error. They said that it was the correct info. Based…
Has anyone here ever used Vital Wheat Gluten Flour?
We were at the store buying Almond Meal and my SO saw a bag of Vital Wheat Gluten and noticed on the nutrition info that it's 3 net carbs per 1/4th cup and 75% protein. I know some may have a sensitivity to this ingredient, but I was wondering if anyone here has ever used this as an ingredient in a low carb recipe and if…
Free "6 EASY Japanese and Korean Low or No Carb Recipes"
I don't know anything about this book other than that it's an ebook listed on sale today on Amazon for $0 and it's low carb so I thought I'd share with people here. Someone posted it in the Reddit Keto Diet facebook group (from the DJ Foodie facebook page). I clicked and got my free copy and flipped through it. It's very…
Finding a doctor supportive of a LC lifestyle
I'm going to be looking for a doctor soon (just for regular check ups, etc.) and I want to find one that will be supportive about my LC lifestyle. Does anyone have any advice about finding one? I would also be okay with a doctor that supports paleo, I just don't want to go to a doctor that thinks SAD (Standard American…
I thought it would be pretty interesting to see what supplements fellow low carbers are taking if any and maybe even open a discussion about certain ones. I take 6 daily. I listed them in order of importance to me. They are also pretty much in the order that I started taking them on a regular basis. I just added Green Tea…
Blood Ketone Testing Questions
Hello, I've done low carb for quite a while, but I've only tested for keto using keto strips and have not tried blood testing prior to today. I just got a free blood ketone meter in the mail (it does glucose testing too, but it has separate strips for testing ketones). I tested but I have no idea how to interpret the…
Upcoming family spaghetti dinner - need ideas.
My SO and I are invited to a spaghetti dinner & garlic bread birthday dinner this Saturday at his family's house. I'm working very hard lately to stay on diet, but we still want to go celebrate with them. In the past I've been able to make accommodations that allowed us to fully enjoy the day, but also not go too far off…
Suggestions for a home elliptical trainer under $325?
I've been researching and looking at reviews. I found out there are some things I don't seem to know. I did not know that there are different stride lengths until I started reading and it sounds like I would want one with an 18" stride length and I've come across a couple in my price range that have that, but the reviews…
-61 pds. in past year+. Losing steam. Decided to say hi!
My plan is to go to the gym 5 days a week for weightlifting + cardio, but the last couple weeks I skipped a day each week. I'm also having a harder time resisting things that I used to be able to resist. Some problems I've been having lately: My workplace has lots of free snacks every single day and I used to be able to…