Any Recumbent riders out there ? I have a Catrike 700c. Absolutely the most comfortable ride. Its like exercising in a lawn chair.:)
MFP Rowing teammates. We have currently rowed 1402781 meters. If we plan on catching the Forum Flyers its going to take a team effort. Therefore I am issuing a 250k weekend mini challenge. Lets see if the team can row 250k by Sunday night. We may not catch them but they will know we are there. I plan on rowing 50k. LETS…
Calling all indoor Rowers to join the MFP virtual rowing team. All you need is a concept 2 logbook(its free) and join the MFP team. The challenge runs from Jan 1 to Jan 31. A great way to set goals and stay motivated.
Rowing looks like a good form of exercise. Thinking about getting a Concept 2 Model D. Does anyone have any experience with this machine? Thanks
I took up cycling as my main form exercise in March. So far I have logged over 2400 miles, building up to about 100 or so miles a week, not counting my indoor exercise bike on rainy days. Lately I have been struggling. Rides that I normally blow through, have become a chore. My legs feel dead and seem sore a lot. Looking…