I've been asked, what made you decide to lose weight? How are you losing weight? but rarely does anyone ask why? I had a chat with my mom ans she was the first to ask- why did you let yourslef go? How did you gain all that weight is pretty obvious-food and lack of movement... When I was a teenager I dated a guy who I…
Announcement! Due to this WILD heat wave we have moved the start for both Saturday and Sunday Kansas City events to 7:30am Our start window lasts until around 8:30.***********
I am new to KC and since I work from home have met some friends,BUT they are not at all interested in losing weight lol. Anyway I am hoping to meet up with a walking buddy. I am not a runnner but def need someone who will actually show up and walk ya know? There is a trail near me that is pretty easy to get through and is…
I honestly just want to walk around AND see a parade if there is one...not a big drinker anymore :) I moved from st.louis and the have a HUGE mardi gras parade..
So I thought maybe just buying frozen dinners would be best like lean cuisine...Anyone know if those are just way too high in salt or maybe have pointers on what or how to cook food so it taste better re heated? I am burnt out on salads and cook for only myself.I am alone 80% of the time because my hubby is a sous chef and…