I know we've seen posts like this before, but with Thanksgiving coming up I'm sure many of us are traveling and could use some ideas! I will be driving out to Iowa with family for my cousin's wedding and will be returning home two days before Thanksgiving. I know that I will bring some apples from the orchard for sure.…
I've been crazy about Pinterest since I got an invite and one of my boards is all about healthy living and fitness and I love following other people's boards too! Share your Fitness Pinterest Board to help inspire others! If you want an invite just ask :D http://pinterest.com/marquesajen/fortitude/
My favorite jeans fit! They're a weeeee bit tight, but comfortable. I wore these jeans the first meeting I had with my now-husband (we met online, had first irl meeting in city) I haven't worn them in c ouple years because of weight gain, which made me sooo sad because they're these perfect gray skinny jeans with 6 inch…
The other day I was at a cook out at my friend's house and I decided to hell with it, I'm getting in the hot tub! Put on my swimsuit and lounged with some friends and my husband. When I got out my friend (who has ALWAYS been very thin) asked if I had lost weight and said that I looked good. Yay me! Only 6 pounds down, but…