Hi, I could really do with some advice about my new trainer. Basically I have moved to a new city, joined a new gym and met a few of the trainers there and found one I thought I wanted to work with. So, went along today for my assessment and first session. The assessment went ok, but he did say we had a bit of work to do!…
Today was a crazy day! Well to be honest everything was going well until midday. Had a session with my trainer this morning and was buzzing after it. Nothing beats boxing first thing in the morning! Anyway got to work and things started to go down hill. Colleagues not pulling their weight and a boss who is majorly stressed…
I am slowly but surely losing weight, which I m happy about. But am struggling to deal with people commenting even though most of the time they're positive comments. I have never talked about my weight or trying to lose weight with anyone except 3 people. It probably sounds like a stupid problem but I really feel…
Hi, I just wanted to say hi. I have been trying to lose weight for the last few weeks now but have not ben as successful as I would have liked. My trainer suggested trying the site out so that I can see exactly what I am doing and so that we can try and figure out why I'm not on target. Anyway, just wanted to say hi really!