Never thought I'd be turning to exercise for stress relief!

Today was a crazy day! Well to be honest everything was going well until midday. Had a session with my trainer this morning and was buzzing after it. Nothing beats boxing first thing in the morning! Anyway got to work and things started to go down hill. Colleagues not pulling their weight and a boss who is majorly stressed and needs someone to take out his stress. Anyway got home and my brother and I had a massive argument, my dad got involved and took my brother's side. Anyway, usually I get in the car and go for a drive to clear my head. In the past I have landed up at McDonald's or some other fast food place. But today, I ended up at the gym! It's weird I don't remember thinking "ok i'm going to go to the gym" i kinda just ended up their. Anyway so I went in and got on the bike, cross trainer, rowing machine and did some weights. And by the time I was done the endorphins had kicked in majorly! It's weird I never thought that he gym would ever become my go to place when I was stressed!

Not quite sure why, but decided I wanted to share this!


  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    That's really awesome that you were drawn there. Something I need to remember next time I am stressed!
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
    thats awsome! ive noticed this change to!
    if i feel sad or dont know what to do or any kind of negetive feeling i just wanna run to my treadmill :)
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    I totally turn to excercise to relieve stress!!! And i seem to get a better burn when im really stressed, angered or just plain p-o'd. lol.
  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    That's great!
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    That's a HUGE NSV for you!!!! If you usually turn to food and now you're turning to exercise that's quite a victory. Congratulations to you! And I hope tomorrow is better for you :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I learned my lesson this weekend. I was supposed to do a 10k on Saturday, so I took Friday as a rest day. 10k was canceled, and it was beastly hot, so I "rested" (read: was lazy) on Saturday. Thought about going to the gym on Sunday, but took a nap instead.

    I was wound tighter than a spring by this morning. You know how cats can sleep for 18 hours, then they get the zoomies and tear *kitten* all around the house and climb up the walls and stuff? That's how I felt. Like a cat in need of the zoomies.

    So I went to the park by my house and set a new unofficial best time for a 5k for myself. That works better than any antidepressant or anti-anxiety pill I've ever had.
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    I am the same way. I feel like something is missing in my day if I don't go to my boxing/kickboxing classes. I can relieve stress by punching and kicking the bag as hard as I can...I love it! After the class, I am happy and rejuvenated...
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    That's fantastic!!!! Exercise is a great stress reliever. You work both your mind and your body out.

    This is the reason I love to do my running directly after work, lets you unwind from the day, forget about work stresses, enjoy the "me" time, etc.