I work out pretty hard with trainer or at run (sprint) club 3 times a week and during these sessions burn lots of kcal. The rest of the time I'm pretty sedentary working at an office and do 25-50 min moderate pace walking per day so obviously my burns low those days. Just wondering from experience of others is eating same…
Hi all I'm 5'2 and want to get down to 117lb from 123lb. I've tried slim fast, calorie counting etc over last year but my weight seems to bob between 123-117 depending if I'm on or off a diet. I feel good at 117 and quite podgy at 123. I'm keen to find a way to reach and maintain my goal long term. I run and do resistance…
Ok I oficially hate marks & Spencer's changing room mirrors. I'm about 3lb off goal, eat fairly well and train; running, circuits and yoga 3times a week. Yet in these mirrors I'm still poles apart from any celebrity body. I know that's a daft reference point but really I look nightmarishly wobbly, cellulity shorter and…