Curious if anyone is on a low-sodium diet for medical reasons. I am for possible Meneire's (sp?) Disease (more like a disorder). Should know for sure in about 2wks if I have it. I am down 11.6lbs since starting this on Nov 7th. I do wonder, if I don't have this condition, & stop the diet, how difficult will it be to keep…
For the first week of 2015 (maybe longer), I'm going to limit my carbs to 50 or less. My question - Do you include fiber into that 50 or less?? I see a number of low carb items that will say like "8g net carbs" but has like 20 total carbs. Help!
I've recently been told of the Yoli Better Body System by a former high school classmate. Says she's been on it now for 2 months & has seen significant positive changes in how she feels & looks. Now she's become a rep to sell the products. I'm trying to find some reviews from people that are using the products & NOT…
I came across a link to this on facebook. Have any of you heard about this or tried it?? I would seriously wonder about the risks of doing this. I know that losing weight too fast is not good. I am trying, struggling, to lose weight because a med I'm on is making me gain weight....even though I'm trying to track calories &…
Is it possible to slim down when my medication makes me gain weight? And I have diastisis (makes me look like I'm still preggo). :-(
How do you make sure you're not going over your cals when you travel?