Bulgarian Split Squat
Tips? Suggestions? I'm using a bench, because my gym doesn't have steps. I really struggle to keep the back foot upside down - like I REALLY want to use my toes for balance, rather than the top of my foot. I thought I read somewhere on here to go shoeless, so I tried that, which actually made it harder. Is my problem the…
Olympic Weightlifter injury during competiton
Yikes! Check out this article about a South Korean weightlifter who's elbow snaps BACK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2182414/South-Korean-weightlifter-takes-gold-worst-Olympics-injury-elbow-snaps-lifting-357lbs.html Has anyone actually seen footage of this? That is crazy!
Restaurant - Chicken vs Veggie Burger
So, going to a burger joint tonite. Lots of gourmet burgers - I can opt for a chicken breast or veggie burger instead of a regular fatty burger. Which one would you choose and why? Which one do you think has the less calories? *it's a burger place, I'm not ordering a salad :-)