I've had a problem with overeating and snacking my whole life. I don't eat unhealthy snacks very often, but I feel like I'm constantly grazing. It doesn't help that I eat when I'm bored. Any tricks or tips to distracting myself from continuously eating? Especially for at work (a desk job) and when watching TV at home.
I've never really taken "before" pictures prior to beginning a weight loss push/journey. From experience, does anyone find it really helpful or motivating to have before and after pictures? Has anyone been really disappointed? I'm just looking for some way to really track my progress that isn't subjective, but I'm not…
I ALWAYS go over my "allotted" sodium for the day, but I have no issues with my blood pressure, etc...how concerned should I be with cutting my sodium intake?
So I've tried switching bra sizes, and changing strap length, etc...but unfortunately I can't seem to avoid getting that "bra bulge". Can anyone suggest any upper/mid back exercises or any exercises that may reduce this issue? Maybe some good trap exercises or serratus exercises that I can do without a gym?