Hi, I'm looking for others who have been successful following a high-carb, low-fat plant-based regimen. (like Dr McDougall's starch solution). I'm just starting it myself. Thanks!
Hi, I read about kettlebell swings last year (Tracy Reifkind) but just recently bought a kettlebell to try and incorporate swings into my daily routine. I am starting off very slowly because of having fibromyalgia. My question is this: is there a way to figure out and track calories burned for kettlebell swings, if I'm…
I know it's best to drink your juice freshly made, but every now and then that won't work for me. (if I need to pack a lunch) I have read that you can pack it in an airtight container for a short period of time. What kinds of airtight containers do you all use, if you do this? And how airtight does it have to be, if that…