What are you doing to prepare for the 2014-2015 season?
Anyone else out there starting to prepare for the upcoming hunting season? Mississippi's Archery Season opens Oct. 1. Lock-on stands have been checked and ready to hang. Trying to shoot my bow everyday.... I would like to continue to increase my arrow speed. (220 fps currently)... What's happening in your neck of the woods?
SO... what are your hunting &/or fitness goals for this year? And... What are you doing to reach them? My husband made a sticker and put on my bow that says..."Aim small...miss small". I want to not just Hit the target.... but center punch it! Both with my archery and my fitness. So, I am working out more, eating less and…
Stand recall
Heard about this on Radio today. http://news.yahoo.com/summit-treestands-recalls-hunters-tree-stands-due-fall-153600932.html Be CAREFUL out there!