Okay, here we go. 42yrs old...Down 141lbs... 20% body fat, VERY muscular upper body...I have the Pectoral cleavage as my husband calls it. My boobs..GONE!! Almost 11yrs ago, I had a reduction like an idiot!!! LOL Now that I have dropped all the weight I have NOTHING for boobs. That goodness for Victoria's Secret... If it…
I don't know if people have read this or heard about this, but freeze dried fruit & veggies are MUCH better for you than dehydrated fruit & veggies. So I was walking thru Wal-mart yesterday and I just happened to look at the top shelf of an isle and there they were!!! Brothers All Natural CRISPS. In my area, they had…
Wanted to come in and introduce myself....My name is Dawn & I have lost 130lbs so far thru my own devices & Weight Watchers...From going from 300+ lbs to now being a *Fitness Instructor* at my local YMCA, its an impressive task and sometimes unbelievable. Never in my life did I think I could change the life of someone who…