100 Pushup Challenge
A number of people have expressed interest in doing the 100 Pushup Challenge so I've started this thread. If you are interested in joining us for this daunting task please feel free to do so. Get ready for six weeks of soreness and eventually shapely arms! You can view the 100 Pushup Challenge here:…
No Boob Left Behind!
A lot of my weightloss has been in my chest which, unfortunately has left me quite saggy. :sad: I know that if I do exercises to strengthen my pecs it will help revive my lifeless boobs. What are some pec exercises I can do from home? (I don't have a gym membership.)
why are my love handles the last to go???
my arms are slender. my boobs have deflated. my calves look like chicken legs. (they always have...) my thighs are getting there. my face is skinnier. so WHY does it look like i have two potatoes strapped to my back? WHY do my love handles have to be the last thing to go? sorry, just had to vent...
quitting soda - anyone want to join me?
Hi everyone! So after hearing the onslaught of information that soda is bad for you time and again I finally decided to stop drinking it Tuesday. Unfortunately I've caved twice! (There is a vending machine 20 steps from my apartment that sells can for $.60 apiece!) Both times I gave in while studying for the tedious CPA…
calorie variance
Hello! I have a question that may seem quite obivous to some of you but has bothered me for awhile. Obviously, it is impossible to eat my exact calorie goal everyday. In fact, I've never been closer than 9 calories. So, what do you consider an acceptable calorie variance? What is the variance you aim for? +/- 50 calories?…
Hi all! Does anyone else use www.mapmyfitness.com? I use it to map my runs and bike rides and typically use it for my exercise calorie estimates. Of those that are familiar with the calorie estimates have you found them to be accurate? I have found that the estimates I've obtained from that website are typically lower than…
Ice Cream Indulgence
Hello all! I just had a small success that I wanted to celebrate. A friend of mine was moving out of an apartment adjacent to mine and gave me her pint of Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra. Normally, having such an enticing sugary treat in my house is deadly. (Anything sugary is my vice.) Typically, I would consume an…
Not enough protein...
Hello everyone! I'm a MyFitnessPal newbie and am super excited about the possibilities this website opens up for me in terms of being more mindful of the nutritional content of my food. Doing so has brought it to my attention that I infatuated with carbohydrate laden foods and am pitifully low on my protein intake. Do you…