Hey, It's been quite a while since I exercised regularly and was motivated to eat good and feel good. I think life just brought me down, but I'm going to do better from now on! Any tips to help me stay motivated and not give up???
Are there any bakers, like me, who can't seem to eat all the batter when baking? I just finished baking, yet I ate almost all the cookie dough!! Half the dough didn't even make it in the oven! Maybe I should stop baking all together, but I love it too much to give up! Any tips to help me?!!
I just feel like no matter what I do, I can't stop eating sweets! I LOVE baking but i know i need to stop or at least control myself. Any helpful tips!?
For the last 2 years I seem to be drinking tons of water! I used to drink about 7 cups a day, but now that turned into around 15 cups. I feel like every minute I'm either drinking water or thinking about drinking it. Am I drinking too much?!?!