Anyone else spend the holidays alone? & love it??? LOL My daughter is 12 & I can actually leave her home for a few hours to go do things but her dad doesn't live in the same city anymore & I have no family here, I homeschool & have a daycare at home so I can homeschool, sooo.... I literally have her 24/7 & she is a tween!…
Does size matter
"Of course size matters. No one wants a small pizza."
Why don't they deliver mexican food?
I have a craving! ugh
not sex toys, although I am sure that is where this will ultimately end up lol. A friend was talking about Stretch Armstrong yesterday. Do you remember that gel doll thing that you stretched his arms & legs out? My brother & I both had one & we tied them together lol. What are some toys from your childhood?
Halloween costume???
http://www.inknburn.com/halloween-1/women-1/women-s-muscle-kit.html SO I am looking for my Halloween costume already & came across this....This is different. I can't decide what I think about it. bwhahahahaha Since I am looking what are you wearing?
Show me hair bikini tops
http://www.kdge.com/onair/jessie-976/chest-hair-bikini-tops-are-full-12663047 I want to see more hair bikini tops, I am ROFLMAO
Supermoon strangeness?
So last night I am at Chipotle eating by myself and some drunk man just sat down at my table to eat his food & started talking to me like we were old friends. He ate and then left. I am still cracking up! Anyone else have any strangeness going on? I mean besides the normal strange.
Shallow--me? seriously?
I am so hurt, I seriously have never thought of myself as shallow. So I am on a dating site & my friend was looking at profiles with me & I was a good match for someone & I said no pass & she asked why & I said because I am not attracted to him. She then goes on to say that is a stupid reason because we match up so well &…
Thoughts on roller derby
I was asked to join a roller derby team, but I am not sure. Any derby players out there? Pros & cons. Thoughts about it in general? I am 47, 5'2" & about 20 pounds away from my goal weight. I have been skating 1-2 times a week for the past 6 weeks so my leg muscles are coming back my speed has picked up but I am just not…
Size 6!
My friends told me last night that my jeans were too big so I went to try on some 8's but actually had to get 6's!!! woohoo. I went from 14 in Oct. to 6 now. So excited. :)
Funny how things change
I had been thin my whole life & you get older have kids maybe medical stuff & you gain weight. As you are gaining over the years you think man I am getting bigger, you keep adding pounds & with them thinking I am getting fat. But as you are losing those pounds and getting thin again & go through those same fat pounds only…