Have you ever been disappointed with yourself? Currently I am feeling that way. I have been on again and off again with my weightloss. I haven't gained a tremendous amount, maybe a few pounds. I've been successful with keeping almost 30lbs off over the course of a few years. However, each time I get set to finish the last…
Does anyone have a website that you all use to figure out the caloric intake from the vegetables and fruits that I add to my juicer? At first I thought maybe it would be what each individual item would be but not all of the item is used. Thank you in advanced for your help.
I am a SAHM to two children ages 5 and 3. We are fairly busy but there is no excuse why I can't fit in workouts and eat well. I have 30lbs to lose so I will be at a healthy weight, feel good about myself in my own skin, and have my energy for my children. For the past 3 years all I have been doing is making excuses or I'd…