Stomach Rumbling, Do I eat?
So I am on Lite n Easy, for those who don't know it's sort of a diet plan where you order your food and have it delivered once a week. I am on the 1500 calorie plan and I have been doing around half an hour to an hour of exercise every day (usually pilates or yoga) I am keeping a weight loss journal and keeping track of…
Ab work without strain?
Are there any ab exercises that don't create neck and back strain like crunches and sit ups do? I feel like I need a stronger core to do these exercises without hurting myself yet I can't get any stronger without hurting myself in the process =/
Inspiring Pictures!
The thing that made me so keen to lose weight and get fit was Pinterest. Looking at all those pictures and tips really made me want to lose weight, not just to look good but to have a better life. Post the photos that inspire you and give you the motivation to keep going! What pictures inspire you?
Nothing seems to work =(
Im 23, Femal, 163cm (5 foot 3) and 67kg (I think about 147 pounds?) Apparenltly my basal metabolic rate is 1400 cal and my maintenance intake should be 2200 cal. I have been eating 1500 cal or less. I have a pretty busy job, on my feet around 8 hours a day, lifting boxes and what not. I work out almost every day usually…
Wrist pain
Just recently my right wrist has started to hurt a lot when I twist or bend it. I'm not sure if I have injured it and need to wait for it to heal or if it is a developing problem. My workout plan at the moment includes a lot of yoga, obviously downward dogging is getting difficult, not to mention a LOT of other exercises…
67kg, can someone explain how that is 'obese'?
I just bought some new scales, the kind that measure your fat percentage, muscle percentage, bone mass and hydration. Im 22, I am 163cm tall. Thats what I programmed into the scales. I always considered myself to be a pretty normal size. Maybe a little chubby and I could stand to lose a few but I didn't even think I was…
Protein Intake
Every day I am over (and sometimes way over) my protein intake. I have a problem getting hungry all the time, and I dont mean bored hungry I mean painful grumbling hungry. I was told that eating protein would keep me full for longer but at the rate Im going (and still getting grumbles an hour before lunch) Im not sure how…