As many of us on here, I've tried and tried to get rid of the baby weight (He's five LOL). I loose and gain, loose and gain. I love to exercise, but I also LOVE to eat! I exercise 5 to 6 days a week, but I don't eat right. Could you all share the best way to eat? Weight watchers, Low fat, low calories, protien, count…
I live 30 minutes from the gym. I have an elleptical and a treadmill. I am learning that I need to do some weight training or strength training, is there a difference? What equipment do I need or what exercises could I do for this category? Also, what about a punching bag? My son and I play with gloves and I enjoy it. Any…
I've been researching sites for the past several days. After loosing and gaining 10 pounds over and over again I decided to find a group for some moral support. I'm so excited to become a part of this group! Please, keep the positive reinforcement coming and I will be reading posts to support and get support! This is an…