RM33064 I was just wondering the exact same thing almost word for word! LOL!!!
I am enjoying reading your questions/answers. Thank you so much for sharing your journey and your knowledge! It is such a refreshing post. Also, thank you for leaving your food journal open. I LOVE potatoes! Of course many weight loss gurus would state that you shouldn't eat potatoes, they turn straight to sugar, so they…
Thanks for asking this question! I was going to ask about the Atkins diet but was afraid to have darts thrown at me! LOL! I've done WW, lost, but gained back. I believe moderation in everything. But, protien does keep me satisfied and feel full, not starved or deprived. I've been on the Atkins site all morning reading up…
[Try to eat foods with high nutrional value. Fresh fruit and veg, fresh meats etc. Wholemeal/Brown instead of White. Note that I said try :tongue: Thanks!
My problem is not exercising!!! I love it! My problem is that I love to eat! I figure if I run 5 miles I can eat whatever I want, and I CAN'T!! So, I NEED willpower and this site!!!! Thank you!
OMG, LOL, now that's funny! I still have the giggles!
Perfect! I will get on that gym membership! I have equipment at home, but I really wanted to try Zumba, and now heavy weights!
Thank you, that's pretty straight forward and makes sense!
What's critically important mskimberlee, is for you to establish a moderate but not-too-aggressive calorie deficit, find a good macronutrient intake, and by the end of the day, hit it. Then do it again the next day, and keep going. Throw in some resistance training. LOL Sidesteal, what is macronutrient? I'm a runner,(have…
Thanks everyone! What are some breakfast ideas, this is my hardest meal, but the most important!
So you can't eat as much as you want as long as it's healthy? You really should stay in a certain calorie range? I had lunch with my friend and she said don't eat dairy or carbs, only good fats and you can eat as much as you want. There is so much information, bad and good out there! I just don't know where to start!!!!
Chelksi Thank you!!! I will add you as I will have many questions! Thanks for the list, I will print it out and keep with me. So, as long as you eat correctly, do you think that there is a need to count calories? Or do you think that you can eat what you want as long as it's healthy? Thanks again!!!
My sister was also encouraged to do a clense by a trainer. She said it screwed her body up. She's not the same 1 year later! So, thatnks! Great info!!!
Thanks for posting!
War won ton soup. It has lots of vegetables, some chicken, shrimp and wontons. I give the wontons to my children. It's yummy and feels me up. It comes in a huge bowl, I'm not sure how many calories it has maybe they would know. But, it can't be to bad it's soup with a broth base! Good luck and enjoy!!!
Bump for my "Biggest Loser Sister's". Thanks so much for this!
Thanks! Can't wait to try it!
Thanks for all of your advice! I use it daily!
I've heard everything that you shared. I would love to hear what others think??? Great question!
Sounds fabulous, I'm going to try it. I'm with you, I can't eat the wheat pasta no matter how hard I try! It's like choking down cardboard. Moderation in everything, I'll stick to my white and get my grains elsewhere! Thanks!
Then what are some good healthy dressings that we can make? I'm all for homemade, I actually prefer homemade! Share please!!!
I was wondering the same thing, has anyone used egg beaters? Thanks in advance...
Hi, There are so many alternatives, wow! Thanks for sharing! I'm excited to try each and everyone. I just have one question. When you are saying diet soda does it mean a can? What size are we talking about? It may say it in the original recipie, but that was 7 pages ago. Thanks and I can't wait to try!!!! YES!!!!
What is the 30 Day Shred? Does it really work? Are there any sucess stories to share to help me decide if I should purchase it????
GREAT! Keep up the great work! :smile: