Can anyone explain to me why, when I use a barcode to enter a food, the info about the number of calories is different when I look at the food in a list compared to when I look at the Nutritional Facts? For example, I have just added Sirena brand lite tuna. The serving size is 68g, and in the food list, it says that there…
I've come back to using MFP after a few years away. I seem to remember some years ago that there were "validated" foods in the database that had a tick next to them, but I don't see this any more. Was I imagining this? :-) If not, what happened to that approach? There are so many options in the food database for the same…
A couple of days a go, calorie adjustments from my fitbit seemed to have stopped happening. On the MFP exercise diary page, it just says "0". My activity levels have not changed. Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas how to fix it? Thanks! Teresa