Death by quorn?
Made sloppy joes with quorn on Monday evening. First time I've eaten it. Had really bad indigestion and stomach bloated and really tender ever since? Anyone else had similar experience. Could just be coincidence or maybe it's a common issue?
Public transport Ohio
Anyone know if there's any public transport in Ohio. Can I get a bus or train from Milford to Dayton?
How many calories in horse meat?
Just had burgers for dinner. Anyone know how many calories are in horse meat? Not sure whether they're in the MFP database yet. On a more serious note tho, if we don't even know what is in food, just how accurate is the calorific info on the packaging?
Google Doodles hurdles
Guessing everyone's seeing the little hurdler game on Google today. So what's your best time? Just got 16.5 secs but the left & right arrow buttons are too far apart to do it properly.
6 Nations
Anybody watching the 6 nations? Started yesterday with great wins by England and France.
Raspberry Pi
Anybody got one yet? Any good?
Yoga block & push up bars
Anybody using them?
P90Xcel file
Just checking everyone's aware of the MS Excel worksheets for P90X. This is quite neat as it's easy to fill in after your workout and rather than just end up with a bunch of figures as you do when writing your reps on a paper copy, this plots your progress through the 90 days. Anyway the download link can be found at the…
Egg whites - dumb questions
P90X nutrition guide says make omelettes with lots of egg whites. So dumb question but what do you do with the egg yolks? Even dumber question, can you buy egg whites in some kind of powder form? Just seems a waste to bin the yolks. I reckon the poor hen went to some trouble to lay it. R
Weights or bands?
Hi All, Looking at starting P90x. Do people prefer using weights or resistance bands for this? RoosterB
Hate wasting food
I've thought a lot about this over the last few days since joining this site. I think the big problem I have with food is I hate waste. I have two boys the youngest now 11, but I just think of the number of times over the years I've finished my meal and then scooped up some of the leftovers they haven't even touched. It's…
Another newbie
Hi, I just joined too. I started this on Tuesday this week as a bet with a friend to lose 10% body weight by mid September (2011 ;-) ). I used to do a lot of kayaking and at 6' 1" have always been big upper body build but now want to get rid of the belly which has been appearing, mostly due to spending too many hours…