lokihen Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Quote from a friend at a hospital: We're getting the first recovered nurses back from our big outbreak. They're worthless. 2 weeks out most of them aren't functional enough to work as a nurse. For ex…
  • Re: Digestive enzymes with each meal ?

    Actually, I've found them helpful in specific situations. If I take one before eating peanut butter I'm fine, if I don't there will be horrific cramps.
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I've closed the lid first ever since learning how many feet the droplets can travel from flushing. Ewww Using a public toilet now? Absolutely not.
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Reading the Great Mask Wars elsewhere, it occurs to me that this is comparable to going off-grid. The easiest way is not to buy enough solar panels to supply your normal electric use, but to cut back…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    From what I understand, the virus sheds in urine and fecal matter which the flushing process very efficiently puts into the air and spreads to all surfaces. Unless they come up with a lid that goes d…