ryenday Member

  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JUNE 2018

    Lanette and any other SWSY people. I got some feedback from a physical therapist watching me do my exercises. Seems when doing the side kicks and knee bends I was hiking up the opposite hip very oddl…
  • Re: Thoughts?

    Been doing weights since October, I haven't seen any help in my calorie allotment thusfar. I'm a bit shorter and younger than you, and around 142 pounds but the same 1300 to 1400 limit or my weights …
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JUNE 2018

    I find the opposite actually. Besides not having much budget (lol, ok I don’t have any budget for this) anymore to afford services people. I also find myself wanting things done in a more particular …
  • Re: Maintainers weekly Check-in May 2018

    Age: 53 Height: 162 cm (5’3.75”) Total Weight lost: 50+ lb Time it took to lose: 9 months How long in maintenance: since Jan 1, 2018 Maintenance weight range: 140-150 December average : 154.5 Average…
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JUNE 2018

    Photography: Part 1 Aperature and cat's eyes Photography: Part 2 Aperture and depth of field Rubber duckies and measuring tapes Rye