

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Michelle - I agree with the others. You need to not say anything. From what you have said, Pete won't care. All you will do is drive them further away, and I don't think that is what you want. Just my opinion though.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,047 Member
    Just found out that June 3 is World Bicycle Day. Where will you be riding?


    Machka in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,075 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,047 Member
    Friday, 1 June 2018 ... 2.9 km walking + 6 flights of stairs

    Saturday 2 June 2018 ... 2.9 km running + 3.1 km walking + 8.25 km cycling indoors with Zwift

    2017 Monthly June
    Walking Distance (km): 8.9
    Walking Time (min): 111.3
    Cycling Distance (km): 8.3
    Cycling Time (min): 26.1
    Stairs Climbed Number: 6.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 4.8

    Total Distance (km): 17.2
    Total Distance (miles): 10.7
    Total Time (min): 142.1
    Total Time (hr): 2:22:06
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,632 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Just found out that June 3 is World Bicycle Day. Where will you be riding?


    Machka in Oz

    I ride all the time, so one day doesn't change anything
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited June 2018
    Makeup I have never worn much. Powder and foundation always made my face break out. Blind in one eye & motor coordination difficulties meant I could never easily put on eye make-up (forget the idea of fake eyelashes, they would be glued to my nose! lol) but I do like how I look with eyeliner (I think it minimizes the Mad Eye Moody effect), so sometimes I try.

    But, I have a tube of "lip stain" I bought at the local pharmacy when I was in 8th grade that I still use. It is green, yes green, but turns into a maroon/magenta color on my lips. And unlike lipstick, my husband approves because it "leaves my lips kissable without gunk on them". lol

    My mother always wanted me to put color on my cheeks (rouge/blusher) but I rarely bother.

    Bottom line, most days no makeup, but if I'm trying to look good I might line my eyes and put on the lip stain. If I remember. lol.

    One oddity. I put on my eyeliner and lip stain without a mirror and with my eyes closed (eyeliner). It freaks people out. I have to put it on by 'feel' since I can not properly see what to do. And my motor coordination problems are in the visual to movement synapses, so my hand is steadier if I don't have my eyes open. LOL.

    Hearing Aids When I was 20 I lost the hearing in my left ear (all but the lowest registers) due to a surgery. I got a hearing aid but could never adjust to using it. It felt like everything was blaring in the left ear and I could not detect whether sounds were close or far away so it was like a loudspeaker blaring in my ear. I stopped using it after trying to adjust to it for about a year.

    I learned coping mechanisms. I always sit at the far left of a table. I avoid noisy restaurants. My husband (or other walking companion) is always on my right. When I don't hear something (often) I repeat the portion I do hear (I find people tend to swallow or mumble the first or last part of their sentences) then ask for the missing part. (like: You said we'd meet up on the lawn at what time?")

    World Bicycle Day I'll be on the sidelines, cheering on y'all bikers! :smile: (This reminds me of Yvonne. I hope she is alright.)

    Michelle I've been so busy, but did I read that you BROKE your hula hoop? You are seriously amazing! I read the daily exercise report you provide in awe at your dedication and variety!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,767 Member
    Barbie ... thanks for the new thread!

    May Goals ... It was a rollercoaster month and while I had great loss at the beginning of the month (9 pounds!!), I found all of it by the end of the month. Net result? 0 pounds gained or lost!

    June Goals ... have been set by my doctor... to lose at least 5 pounds this month. Reducing gluten and sugar. Weaning off of Aleve and trying alternative inflammation reducers like turmeric or tart cherry juice. The goal is to reduce inflammation. I will be weighing and logging every bite. I also find that weighing everyday is keeping me more accountable ... albeit very disappointed this month. Exercise got derailed when knee pain flared up. Hoping that reducing inflammation will allow me to resume more intentional exercising.

    Lanette ... I know very little about cochlear implants, but the goal is to find out more. I also have low-pitch hearing. I thought the new dishwasher was on the fritz because I could hear the motor working ... everyone else thought it was the quietist dishwasher we've ever had!! But I can't hear much of anything else.


  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,788 Member
    I had a disagreement with my daughter once about her now fiance, I opened my mouth when I probably shouldn't have. It took quite a few months for her to come visit after that and now she rarely tells me if they are having any issues or typical spats. I know she has them because her sister or best friends Mom's lets me know if something is going on I should be aware of, but it's not the same. In a lot of ways I regret it, but it actually helped them with some of their struggles so it might have been worth it for them, but certainly not for me.

    I went to see the movie Book Club last night, it was a good laugh. Sort of sad for me because one of the couples have the same issue my hubby and I do, they "fixed" it in 2 hours and I can't fix it in 12 years. Oh the magic of film!

    I overate by a whole day's worth of calories yesterday, thankfully today is going to be an active one for me. I'll try to be very well behaved today. I'm not very hungry that's for sure.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janetr - Love that quote! It's what I have gleaned from reading my running books. It's all about the mind. :D<3

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

    You are so right Heather, it truly is a mind set. I'm very proud of the running you are doing. That is WAY out of my league. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: Thanks for the June thread! :flowerforyou:

    janetr: Congratulations on your wonderful progress! WTG!!! :star::heart: :star:

    Heather: "Bea is really coming on now and is a real trooper. Walks for miles and can cope with almost any situation. Very determined." Bea sounds like she takes after her Paternal Grandmother. :heart:

    Penny: You have been a busy woman. I hope all goes exceedingly well and you have a grand time. I suspect you'll find many happy ways to spend the time that you used to spend teaching in Stockholm. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: My weight has been bouncing a little, too. The trend is down and my knee feels better. I want to lose a few more pounds & get closer to my lowest weight. It is amazing to me how much difference a pound or two makes in how that left knee feels. As to the RV vs the boat, DH can't go aboard the boat any more due to poor balance & instant seasickness. He doesn't have the physical ability to constantly shift his weight to adjust his balance due to his MS. I can sail with my son, but not DH. Hopefully, son's next assignment will bring him back to the Pacific NW. :star:

    Machka: You are a super-star in my book. I'm glad you're still with us and stil finding was to stay fit and healthy. :flowerforyou: I'm glad to hear your DH is making progress. This has been a long haul and looks as though there is still a bit to go. (((HUGS)))

    Pip: You & Kirby look MAHVELOUS! :bigsmile: Blue eyes & blond hair suit Kirby, but your smoldering Latina look is very appealing, too. You look healthy and gorgeous! :wink:

    Margaret: Happy summer vacation!!! :flowerforyou:

    Cheri: Pictures of your new home will be lovely once you are ready. :bigsmile:

    Felicia: I'm so happy that your water is safe, but worry about Salem. It is my hometown. I hope they get the water cleaned up asap. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Enjoy your month! :smiley:

    Kelly: I love the story you shared about the wingless bee. I think it is a bumble bee, and we have them around here as well as honey bees and yellow jackets later in the summer. I love all of them except the yellow jackets & your photo is the first wingless bee I've seen. :star:

    Kitty in Federal Way, WA: Welcome to a great group! Post often so we can get to know you. :smiley:

    Lenora: It sounds like you have a challenging week ahead of you. I hope everything works out in your favor. I hope you don't go bald, either & also hope I don't go bald. Yikes!!! Thanks for putting a smile on my face. :laugh:

    Allie: I hope you'll post a photo of yourself with your makeup and finery. :smiley:

    Wendy: I tried hormones when my natural system slowed down and it was hideous for me, so I went "cold turkey." I have never regretted that decision. I lost two aunties to breast cancer, and another to breast and bone cancer because they took estrogen when they went through "the change" and then kept it up afterwards for years. Please get good medical advice. :heart:

    Becca: I treat myself to a pint of ice cream now and then, too. I've been buying Talenti Gelato & just eat a little at a time. I hope to make my pint last for several days. :wink:

    Michelle: "One part of me feels it isn’t fair to him to not know the truth. The other side of me says “the past can’t be changed." I think the notion that the past can't be changed is wise. Let Denise know that you're on her side always, and that she can come to you if she needs help. :heart:

    Lisa: I hope you find just the right house. :star:

    Lanette: DH wore hearing aids for years & simply quit. He is hearing wasn't really improved by the hearing aids and he seems to be doing better without them. Hearing problems seem to run in his family. I hope you find a happy resolution. :flowerforyou:

    Janetr & Heather: Running as a form of exercise is permanently out of my life because of bursitis in my left knee. There are loads of other ways to get a workout, including bicycling, walking, yoga, & horseback riding. Ironically, I got the bursitis from a riding lesson because the teacher had me posting at a trot in one direction for a whole hour. Not a good idea, especially because I was more than 50 pounds overweight at the time. Eventually I found MFP and took care of the weight problem. I still have to keep a careful eye on the scale & am currently in a lose weight mode. I've got a few pounds to go and I'll know when I get to the sweet spot because my knee will quit complaining.

    I have a date to ride with a friend today & hope to have a good time. Have a great day!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "It is not selfish to be happy. It is your highest purpose. Your joy is the greatest contribution you can make to life on the planet. A heart at peace with its owner blesses everyone it touches." ~ Alan Cohen
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Photography: Part 1 Aperature and cat's eyes
    Wendy A while back I said I’d tell you a bit about photographs but I’ve been struggling to explain. See, being blind in one eye since birth, I have no understanding of 3 dimensions visually. Depth of field is only something I sorta understand, and often my photos are kinda of visual puzzles that play with perspective and a lack of depth of field- i.e. I like to take photos that show a different way of seeing things - the way I actually see them.

    So explaining this is a struggle with concepts I don’t fully understand myself. But I’ll try to cover the fundamental idea of camera lens depth of field inside the spoiler tag. And, hey everyone: cute cat photos used inside as examples!

    You want what is called a shallow depth of field (what photographers would set as a wide aperature) and probably need either a modern camera phone with software that fakes that effect, or a decent camera that has manual control of aperture settings.

    Each phone camera would have different software and be called different things, so I’ll just say on an Apple iPhone you would want “portrait mode”. I don’t know what it would be on other phones.

    But on manual settings on a camera you need to control the aperature for the effect you want.

    So, think of a camera lens as being like a cat’s eye.

    Here we see my Jackie Kane, indoors in a dimly lit room, light coming in from a window. Notice how large (wide) the iris of his eye is. This is a large (wide) aperature - in dim light the lens must open wide to see. Note that the whole picture is NOT in focus! His fur and his paw start to get blurred- that is called a shallow depth of field and happens more and more the wider the aperture of the camera lens is open. An aperature setting of F1.6 to F2.6 is good place to start when attempting shallow depth of field photos.


    Now we see my Sweetheart. Outdoors on a sunny day, his eyes have tiny sliver slit irises. Because there is a lot of light and he only needs to open up a little to see. Note the whole picture is in focus. The camera’s aperature here is narrow like the tiny slit of a cat’s iris. Probably an aperature setting of F16 or above.


    With me so far?

    Photography: Part 2 Aperture and depth of field Rubber duckies and measuring tapes


    Ok, a Wide aperture is the big iris cats eye, and narrow aperture is the tiny slit iris, but what does the aperture mean for the end photos? It means a depth of field.

    DUCKIES! Note in the narrow aperture (long depth of field/high F-stop) how we can see the eyes of each ninja rubber duckie and we can read up to inch 17 or 18. The same lighting, same distance, same lens but I changed the aperture. (lower f-stop) The photo on the right is a shallow depth of field photo. Duckies blur as they get further from the focus and the numbers get difficult to read much closer, at inch 12 or 13.

    So, If you want to take a breathtaking vista photo, or architectural city scape, try a high F-stop and keep as much of the photo in sharp focus as possible.

    Portraiture (animal or human) and macro (close-up) photography is generally taken at low F-stops. The focus will blur out and in and a short area will be in sharp focus (face for instance) and the rest will appear soft.

    That make sense?

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Taking quick lunch break. I truckload taken over already. Getting another set up. Lost 1.5 lbs of sweat?! from yesterday's moving! Over 20,000 steps! Oh my aching back and feet!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,511 Member
    edited June 2018
    Thank you Barbie! Really admire your consistency, dependability.

    Slinking back ;} after lost track back at pg 39 for no good reason.

    May summary:
    Meditate 40%
    take rx + supplements 95%
    log 100%
    walk one more step than past month's running average: 10%
    4 times-walk Tumble at least 10 mins 5%
    2 times
    AF days 300% turned this on its head thanks to Heather's AF beer.
    SWSY 0%
    T'ai Chi 100%
    line dance 90%:
    monthly: Hang up or purge the art = 10%

    Seems when I focus on one thing, the others slip to heck. Weather improved so much my focus switched to gardening.

    June plan:

    FOCUS on the hard-but-needful things:
    60 g protein, meditate, do knee exercises, walk one more step than monthly average
    Weekly: 4 times walk Tumble at least 10 mins to get to loose leash; 2 times SWSY.
    Monthly: Hang up or purge art

    Makeup: need it, but don't wear it.
    Hearing: think I need testing, all those late sixties rock concerts ;)

    Missed and love you all,
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Well, just learned something new. All of a sudden, after typing the first paragraph, my text started putting each word underneath the text I had just typed; but, when I hit the space key it would move it up beside the last word. So IT told me to 'refresh' the page. Did so by clicking on the gray star. But, that meant I lost my post.

    OK …

    Lanette - When my BC/BS went up on what they'd pay for hearing aids, I decided to have my ears checked again. Several years earlier I went to an audiologist and he told me that I really did not 'need' them (unless it became a problem for me) … I would have had to pay him, then just get reimbursed by insurance company. But, they were going to cost nearly $2K each ear for the cheapest hearing aid. We don't have that type of money. A few years prior I had gone to another audiologist in town and he 'checked' my ears; and never said anything about hearing aids. The next month I got an EOB from insurance company showing a charge of $2K that they had paid to him. I called them immediately and told them that I did NOT get any hearing device … all I had done was have my hearing checked. They said they would 'take care of it'. I asked them 'how they were going to do that'. Was told, they would contact him about submitting a fraudulent claim for something I did not agree to nor was I told about it. I asked then, what happens if he doesn't send the money back and she said his name would go into the system and they just would not pay for the next $2K he submitted and also would take his name off the PPO list. And they had already taken it off mine; and, I would get another EOB showing that the claim had been reversed.

    So when I went to the Hearing Center - where I had to make the appointment to get the $1.5K for each ear; I thought I was getting hearing aids; but, what I actually got was 'sound amplifiers'. So what then happens is when I take them out; I am suddenly 'very hard of hearing'. I can't wear them as they make everything just louder - but, doesn't filter out things other than conversations. I have to be able to look at someone's lips now and try to 'lip-read'. My BnL wears hearing aids; but, that is about $4K each ear; but, they do filter out other things other than conversations … no banging of pots and pans, etc.; but, because they had a 'deaf' child they have always had the words streaming across the TV screen. I find it so distracting - especially when it is not right up at real time. He wanted me to change our TV back in January when they spent 2 days with us and I refused to do it. He sat in Louis' chair and Louis asked what he was going to do about it. I told him 'tell him to get up and move somewhere else, that is your chair'. Thankfully, he did not have to ask and he'd move when Louis came inside. BnL is very nosey and he asks a lot of questions about anything and everything. That's when I fell and broke my wrist. Still hurts like a sum-O-beach a lot and certain movements just makes it where I can't do it. I've asked Louis to give my evening coffee is a lighter mug; and, he did it for a while when I was in a splint; but, now he has gone back to giving me my heavy mugs. I still cannot pick up anything very heavy. Have to get my arm under it and hold it to my chest. But, I consider myself lucky that I had not had to have my left arm amputated when I about tore it off many, many years ago in a wreck. That would not have been good.

    Machka - I woke Louis up (sleeping in his chair) a little while ago and he looked at me as if he did not recognize me. He furrowed his eyebrows and asked what day it was - was it Friday? I told him, 'no it is Saturday'. He looked like he took it in, but could not process it. In a few minutes he seemed 'ok'. He must do this around the boys; because both of them say that they think he has Alzheimer's. That he repeats himself a lot. I went with him to a physical and when he was off getting his labs asked his MD about it and he assured me that was not the case. And explained to me what he would be doing if he did. He said that he did have some age-related dementia; but, so do I and I am 10 years younger. He will so be 77. Mine is probably due to having epilepsy. My Neurologist doesn't use the term 'seizure disorder'. That must be the PC name for epilepsy. Then he tells me that I have 'essential tremors' and laughed when I told him that I thought that name suxed. I couldn't see anything 'essential' about them … I really did not want them. But, he said although there are medications out that are supposed to help - the fact that they weren't really bad - easy for him to say - they would not work for me and would only 'add to the myriad of medications' I am already taking. My Surgeon told me that for the gel-filled vitamins I take (even the hard ones) I could put them in a smoothie to make them go down better; unfortunately none of my other pills can be crushed or cut. I could get them in smaller dosages and just take more of them. That's not a good solution either (for me) at this point because I still have enough of a supply to last me for over 4 months. Trey and Louis make a 'big deal' about taking one pill and a gulp of water, all the way through all of them. I will definitely have to do that once they implant the LINX in my esophagus. Then I was told to buy a bag of miniature marshmallows to take with me when they do the barium swallow. I had a barium swallow back in January; but, that was with water/liquid. So this would be more like what happens when I swallow food, I guess. I will be so relieved when the 15th is over - 16th or 17th actually. They will keep me in the hospital for a night or two after the surgery.

    Jennifer's niece is in the hospital suffering from something she got - they think - when she was in the hospital giving birth this last time. Blood clots in her legs, throwing up and diarrhea. They (husband and mother and daddy) wanted to move her to Macon; but the hospital here has been communicating with the hospital there and they determined that she wasn't 'sick enough' to be moved. I guess they are going to wait until they have to send her by ambulance or airlift her there. A couple of years ago, Phoebe lost their Trauma Center I classification - and Thomasville is now the Trauma Center I hospital for the area. One thing for sure is I would rather have a single room than share a room with someone else. This girl has had postpartum depression on all 4 of her children and it seems to have gotten worse each time.

    They were going to go to Gainesville, FL to meet Jenn's sister-in-law (grandmother of the children); but, since they won't move her niece; they don't have to - the Daddy of the last two will just take all of them to the daycare, so they will take the 2 youngest ones back to the husband this afternoon and take his van back to him that they picked up from the hospital when he took her to the hospital in the first place. According to one of them, she hasn't been able to take the medication she needs for her Bipolar issues. I don't know when she would have gone to a psychiatrist and get that diagnosis because she was scheduled to go to Macon to see the one I do; but, ended up pregnant, so she had to cancel the appointment because of it. She has threatened suicide several times before. Just run off a bridge - her mother is scared that she'd have the children with her if she did try. She is a stay-at-home mom - or that is what I'm told. She was working for an insurance company and they were going to send her to get 'training'; but, because she found out she was pregnant - they were going to wait until after the baby came.

    I know I am going to ask for a 'single' room if they have one, even if I have to pay the difference 'out-of-pocket'.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,632 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Barbie: Thanks for the June thread! :flowerforyou:

    janetr: Congratulations on your wonderful progress! WTG!!! :star::heart: :star:

    Heather: "Bea is really coming on now and is a real trooper. Walks for miles and can cope with almost any situation. Very determined." Bea sounds like she takes after her Paternal Grandmother. :heart:

    Penny: You have been a busy woman. I hope all goes exceedingly well and you have a grand time. I suspect you'll find many happy ways to spend the time that you used to spend teaching in Stockholm. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: My weight has been bouncing a little, too. The trend is down and my knee feels better. I want to lose a few more pounds & get closer to my lowest weight. It is amazing to me how much difference a pound or two makes in how that left knee feels. As to the RV vs the boat, DH can't go aboard the boat any more due to poor balance & instant seasickness. He doesn't have the physical ability to constantly shift his weight to adjust his balance due to his MS. I can sail with my son, but not DH. Hopefully, son's next assignment will bring him back to the Pacific NW. :star:

    Machka: You are a super-star in my book. I'm glad you're still with us and stil finding was to stay fit and healthy. :flowerforyou: I'm glad to hear your DH is making progress. This has been a long haul and looks as though there is still a bit to go. (((HUGS)))

    Pip: You & Kirby look MAHVELOUS! :bigsmile: Blue eyes & blond hair suit Kirby, but your smoldering Latina look is very appealing, too. You look healthy and gorgeous! :wink:

    Margaret: Happy summer vacation!!! :flowerforyou:

    Cheri: Pictures of your new home will be lovely once you are ready. :bigsmile:

    Felicia: I'm so happy that your water is safe, but worry about Salem. It is my hometown. I hope they get the water cleaned up asap. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Enjoy your month! :smiley:

    Kelly: I love the story you shared about the wingless bee. I think it is a bumble bee, and we have them around here as well as honey bees and yellow jackets later in the summer. I love all of them except the yellow jackets & your photo is the first wingless bee I've seen. :star:

    Kitty in Federal Way, WA: Welcome to a great group! Post often so we can get to know you. :smiley:

    Lenora: It sounds like you have a challenging week ahead of you. I hope everything works out in your favor. I hope you don't go bald, either & also hope I don't go bald. Yikes!!! Thanks for putting a smile on my face. :laugh:

    Allie: I hope you'll post a photo of yourself with your makeup and finery. :smiley:

    Wendy: I tried hormones when my natural system slowed down and it was hideous for me, so I went "cold turkey." I have never regretted that decision. I lost two aunties to breast cancer, and another to breast and bone cancer because they took estrogen when they went through "the change" and then kept it up afterwards for years. Please get good medical advice. :heart:

    Becca: I treat myself to a pint of ice cream now and then, too. I've been buying Talenti Gelato & just eat a little at a time. I hope to make my pint last for several days. :wink:

    Michelle: "One part of me feels it isn’t fair to him to not know the truth. The other side of me says “the past can’t be changed." I think the notion that the past can't be changed is wise. Let Denise know that you're on her side always, and that she can come to you if she needs help. :heart:

    Lisa: I hope you find just the right house. :star:

    Lanette: DH wore hearing aids for years & simply quit. He is hearing wasn't really improved by the hearing aids and he seems to be doing better without them. Hearing problems seem to run in his family. I hope you find a happy resolution. :flowerforyou:

    Janetr & Heather: Running as a form of exercise is permanently out of my life because of bursitis in my left knee. There are loads of other ways to get a workout, including bicycling, walking, yoga, & horseback riding. Ironically, I got the bursitis from a riding lesson because the teacher had me posting at a trot in one direction for a whole hour. Not a good idea, especially because I was more than 50 pounds overweight at the time. Eventually I found MFP and took care of the weight problem. I still have to keep a careful eye on the scale & am currently in a lose weight mode. I've got a few pounds to go and I'll know when I get to the sweet spot because my knee will quit complaining.

    I have a date to ride with a friend today & hope to have a good time. Have a great day!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "It is not selfish to be happy. It is your highest purpose. Your joy is the greatest contribution you can make to life on the planet. A heart at peace with its owner blesses everyone it touches." ~ Alan Cohen
    Awwwwwww that’s sweet of you to say. Thx! I let Kirby’s hair grow out the blonde. I wanted to see how gray he got. We like it. Still a good looking guy.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Well, well, Happy Saturday. Today I slept in until 6:30am! Yea! I also just sat and drank my coffee, planned my activities and menu for next week and made my grocery list. All before 8:00am. I could have run out and gotten my grocery shopping done; but I just poured myself another cup of coffee and sat. lol I am doing a little cleaning, laundry, pureeing some fruit for smoothies; other than that, I am just having this day to do nothing. Cold still hanging in there, and after painting all last weekend, I still feel tired. So...being lazy is my plan. I did weigh and am down to an even 228. Yea! Now, anything from here on out and I can begin moving my glass stones to the "empty" jar.
    Michele- I am with the others on this one; nothing good will come from holding onto ill will and expressing it to Pete. Especially about he/his family. All I can say is "Kill them with kindness".

    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)