

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,227 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Michelle don’t runners and cyclists need to watch their electrolyte intake to make sure they get enough or bad things will happen?


    Yes we do.

    M in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,830 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Well slept very well, but got a call from my brother.. he needs money.. I have it and will give it to him, it is 1,000 dollars and he has been using a little here and there for dads house, and paying people to help clean out.. I will lend it to him as I feel guilty that I havent been able to help as much as I would like.
    I will try and set a side some each week to put in savings.
    Heather~ love hearing about your trip..
    Katla ~ hope your camping trip works out..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,227 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Question: I need facts to back up what I want to say to Vince. The other day right after he ate lunch he suddenly got dizzy and nauseous (it went away after a few minutes, he’s fine now). Like his father, he immediately attributed it to something he ate. Well, he ate the same thing for lunch that he’s had many times. He’s convinced that it’s these cupcakes that I put out for him. Now, I made the cupcakes, just froze some so that they all weren’t out and go stale. He’s convinced that that’s what caused it. He’s had cupcakes from this batch before with no problem. Same with the icing. What I want to say is “it’s not always what you ate, but what you DIDN’T eat. Our bodies are very amazing at telling us what we need. For example, when we need extra iron, even before the blood test confirms this, our body tells us that we need extra iron because we get tired very easily”. I just need more examples. Anyone have any?

    Could be menopause. No just kidding. It's just that's what happens to me all day long.

    Could be dehydration.

    Could be the icing on the cupcakes. Things that are extra sweet do that to me too.

    Could be vitamins and minerals if he's taking them with dinner. I have to take my supplements just before bed or I feel a bit sick and dizzy.

    Could be a TIA: https://strokefoundation.org.au/About-Stroke/Types-of-stroke/Transient-Ischaemic-Attack-TIA

    Incidentally, I have borderline haemochromatosis (too much iron occurring naturally in my system). If I take iron tablets, one of the first set of symptoms I feel are quite significant fatigue, weakness and lethargy. For several years, I thought the solution to any fatigue, weakness and lethargy I might be feeling was to take iron because I didn't know any better ... but it never seemed to help, in fact, I always felt worse. And then I had blood work done. Turns out, iron was entirely the wrong thing for me. In other words, it is good to get the bloodwork done to know for sure, and not just guess.

    If this is something your husband is concerned about, insist he go see a Dr.

    M in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Rori I am one of the less fortunate here who have not had the pleasure of meeting you in person. Your last post gives me a lovely picture of the person you are, though. I think you must be a person who is organized, who knows how to plan activities and contingencies, and who has an optimistic and practical outlook. We were both in the Denver airport at the same time a couple of years ago, but neither of us knew it. Darn it.

    Karen in Virginia dragging a bit from another busy shift at work last night
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,101 Member
    edited June 2018
    Okie congratulations on the weight loss!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Thanks Margaret!

    Lisa - keep digging! You know you can do it, and so do we. We will all add our virtual shovels to help you!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2018
    Heather: Hugs for your poor seasick DH. I have sympathy. I'm sure I've mentioned this in the past, but ginger lozenges work well for me. I wonder if they're available on board. :heart:

    Michelle: I think Machka has given some sensible advice. I would encourage your DH to have a visit with his MD to be sure there is not something wrong. :flowerforyou:

    (((Lisa))) Beatrix Potter would recommend Chamomile tea for Peter Rabbit, and it might help you, too. :flowerforyou:

    I need to go to the county offices today and chat with the lady in charge of parks. We've paid for a space in the park, and want to be able to go there to get away from the barrage of firecrackers and booms that are the norm across the river from us in WA. The sound comes straight at us & they terrify our dog. He almost died a year ago from the stress.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Where is Mary?
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,437 Member
    Rye - so glad your rash is going away. I'm not surprised your management has Ms. Poop on their "list" lol. They've probably all had run-ins with her. At my last job we called the chronic complainers "frequent fliers". >:)

    Wendy - thanks for sharing those visualizations - I can use them as well. The creator does a great job!

    Heather - sounds like you are off to a good start. Hope your DH's queasiness gets resolved quickly. I get urpy just thinking about him being urpy, lol.

    Barbara AHMOD - My DH was in management and taught college for a while and was always around lots of people. I think he OD'd on humans (plus he's an introvert) so that's why he's such a recluse now. Was yours the same way or are some old guys just destined to become hermits no matter what?

    Rori - that's terrific your DH is still in good health and you are able to travel together. I was never a swimmer - took lessons as a teen but was too uncoordinated to get the breathing down right, however did fine on my back. And loved diving. So I am envious of you and Rye and others of you who really get into it, lol.

    Katla - I hope you can keep that quiet spot to park the RV over 4th of July at the county park. Sometimes the site staff get their wires crossed. With your love of horses, being surrounded by horse owners sounds nifty anyhow. It will be fun to try out your new-to-you RV.

    - hope you are feeling better!

    Beth - good idea your DH going to the doc regarding that tick bite. Darn those things. Hope your pool is all set up to go before long. By the way, did your son get suitable housing or is he still looking?

    My DH's noise cancelling headphones work great. The neighbor fired up his noisy lawnmower Monday and DH couldn't hear the rumble at all, yet could hear the TV just fine. I'm glad I didn't spend $$ on some gadget that doesn't work as advertised - got it from Amazon but I they somehow tweak the reviews now. Sneaky and I don't trust them like I used to.

    Mary - are you back up north yet?

    Karen in VA - I had to look up Coton. Bailey is just too cute! Who rules the roost - him or the Yorkies?

    Our mini schnauzer Rosie is doing OK on her "diet". I think. I've basically cut her food back by 1/4 and am substituting little chunks of raw cabbage and a blueberry or two to fill her tummy. She loves fruits and veggies so much you'd think we are giving her T-bones. She only has to lose 2# max to get back to around 12#. I think half a pound a month should be fine, will weigh her in a week to see if she's going in the right direction.

    Okie - congrats! I always thought maintenance was harder than losing when I was on WW, but then I wasn't really doing exercise faithfully.

    Lisa - I have been into the snacks way too much in the past few days. I wonder if I was a heroin addict in a former life the way sugar sometimes (not always, thankfully) clicks something on in my brain that makes me want to eat everything in sight. I mean everything. I love your writing, by the way. Reminds me a little of one of my favorite authors Annie Dillard. I need to reread "The Living" about families settling in the Pacific Northwest up near Bellingham. Wasn't so much the story but the voice in which she wrote it that was, well, quite powerful.

    Michele - I too am a little worried about Vince. When I went in to get my allergy shots yesterday, I told the nurse that the Friday ones caused me so much pain in my left arm and chest I wondered if I was having a heart attack. She asked if I had cold sweat, trouble breathing, passing out, etc. I told her no, just tremendous pain with normal blood pressure. Told her I then did my workout and washed the car so I figured it wasn't anything other than annoying. She wasn't concerned enough to suggest an EKG so I think I'm good to go.

    Allergy shot update - went in yesterday and the nurse gave the injections in my "love handles". Went great, just a little tenderness. Woo hoo! Lots more real estate to choose from there.

    It's been a busy week at our house so far. Monday, the landscapers came in and trimmed back the fir trees under the power line. About 5 years ago DH rented a cherry-picker and did it, and it was really hard on his shoulders. Took him a couple days to do the job. This guy climbed the trees (24 of them) and got after them with his little chainsaw and was done in about three hours. Then they used a chipper and cleaned up the trimmings and brush hogged the weed patch behind them to the neighbor's fence. DH can now keep up with the mowing back there.

    Yesterday, the wood guy dropped off 2 cords of firewood, mixed maple and alder. Hopefully DH won't have to spit much of it but will have to stack it.

    I got a good deal on baby avocados yesterday - they are ripe and need to go into the fridge. Also want to make hummus today with nice looking Tahini I picked up at Trader Joe's last month.

    That's the quick and dirty. Hugs all around and welcome new gals! <3

    Where's Sharon?

    Sunny SW WA State
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    edited June 2018
    Lanette - Thanks! So far I am keeping up with my exercise. I don't feel right if I don't get my steps in in the morning. I have taken a weekend off once recently where I still got movement in, but not my normal 5.5 miles walk/jog that I do first thing. That actually felt nice, it was the first time I had done that in 242 days (my streak I have going). I know I won't keep it going forever, but for now, it works for me. Also, thanks for reminding me that I need to contact the guy who cleans out my flowerbeds for me. I've been forgetting to do that for a month now. I'm going to shoot him an email now.


    ETA: Email sent. Now we'll see if he responds.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,437 Member
    Lanette - Thanks! So far I am keeping up with my exercise. I don't feel right if I don't get my steps in in the morning. I have taken a weekend off once recently where I still got movement in, but not my normal 5.5 miles walk/jog that I do first thing. That actually felt nice, it was the first time I had done that in 242 days (my streak I have going). I know I won't keep it going forever, but for now, it works for me. Also, thanks for reminding me that I need to contact the guy who cleans out my flowerbeds for me. I've been forgetting to do that for a month now. I'm going to shoot him an email now.


    ETA: Email sent. Now we'll see if he responds.

    , you rock with getting those steps in! I know exercise surely gives me a "cushion". Were you active like that before your weight loss or was that part of your strategy?

    Hope your flowerbed guy contacts you.

    The older we get, sometimes it's easier just to hire someone to come in and get it done all at once. <3


  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,817 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Question: I need facts to back up what I want to say to Vince. The other day right after he ate lunch he suddenly got dizzy and nauseous (it went away after a few minutes, he’s fine now). Like his father, he immediately attributed it to something he ate. Well, he ate the same thing for lunch that he’s had many times. He’s convinced that it’s these cupcakes that I put out for him. Now, I made the cupcakes, just froze some so that they all weren’t out and go stale. He’s convinced that that’s what caused it. He’s had cupcakes from this batch before with no problem. Same with the icing. What I want to say is “it’s not always what you ate, but what you DIDN’T eat. Our bodies are very amazing at telling us what we need. For example, when we need extra iron, even before the blood test confirms this, our body tells us that we need extra iron because we get tired very easily”. I just need more examples. Anyone have any?
    Your husband and mine could be brothers with that attitude from their Father's. My husband has not seen a doctor other than for welder's flash and metal in the eye since 2000 when he had to have a finger amputated. He has continual head aches, goes through Advil like candy and won't believe anything I tell him about high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

    As for your husband, I don't have any wise words of wisdom, I'm still calling my Mother in Law for that insight. When my Dad was sick a friend of mine was visiting at the hospital and she was having a nose bleed. My MIL asked her what was going on, she told her that she had been having them for a few months and they were terrible to get stopped. The doctors didn't know what was causing them. My MIL said tell them to check your d**n blood pressure! They should know that. Sure enough she was extremely high blood pressure and was put on meds withing the week.

    I wish you luck with your husband, I have threatened mine with a cast iron frying pan to the head to get him to be seen LOL
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »

    The older we get, sometimes it's easier just to hire someone to come in and get it done all at once. <3


    I find the opposite actually. Besides not having much budget (lol, ok I don’t have any budget for this) anymore to afford services people. I also find myself wanting things done in a more particular way the older I get so it is often do it myself or go without. I’m so picky I often will do without rather than have an expense for something I don’t think was done well or correctly.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,817 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    We reserved a campsite at a county park for the fourth of July and went up to see our spot today. We liked our spot but the caretaker says we shouldn't camp there because we won't be bringing a horse. I need to go into the county offices tomorrow and talk to the woman in charge. Nothing in their information said that a horse was a requirement to camp in that spot.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.”

    - Lucille Ball

    I would think that should be in the registration website if it's mandatory.