

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Good mornjng! Checking in!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Lanette and any other SWSY people. I got some feedback from a physical therapist watching me do my exercises. Seems when doing the side kicks and knee bends I was hiking up the opposite hip very oddly and risking injury. Sh said " try it again but take your shoe off the moving leg."

    That totally fixed the problem. And some odd pains in hip and lower back seem to have disappeared. Turns out I was hiking my hip up because the moving leg was too lengthy with the shoe to move smoothly near the floor.

    Now, I'm especially clueless physically, so maybe this isn't a potential problem for y'all -- but just in case, I thought I'd pass it along.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,817 Member
    Feeling better this morning! I have a routine every morning while waiting for my coffee to either percolate, or reheat. I have my One A Day multivitamin, and vitamin D capsule with a swig of Orange juice. It's probably about 2 oz of juice. Today's breakfast was two Vans gluten free waffles w/ peanut butter, sliced bananas and syrup. Yummy!

    I googled vertigo, and it seems that some exercises can actually make it worse. It depends on whether the crystals in your ear that are out of alignment are in different areas of the ear. Self diagnosis isn't always the best meficine. It depends on how your eyes rotate or have the shuffle vision to what exercises you should do. I have an appointment next Tuesday with the military clinic, so I am treating what I can, my nose is stuffy at night, and phlem issues, and the headaches and muscle aches. Wouldn't it be cool if my parathyroid issues, my overactive bladder issues and my vertigo were all connected?? And after the surgery I'm like on cloud nine, with more energy than I know what to do with?? Hey, positive thinking and dreaming is ok!

    Husband went to go exercise, and get his thyroid checked ( blood labs). All of his issues are connected. Taking strong anti rejection drugs, while trying to keep his kidneys fine is like a cat straddling a fence! He masters it well! The other day though, he had me spluttering and angry! So he is filling out the paperwork from his new liver doctors place, and he takes out a paper from the pill bag, then states, " Why are you overdosing me"? I'm like, excuse me? He points to what the ages old prescription page and looks at me wide-eyed. I put on my "I'm your Pill Queen hat" and march up to the last appointment patient summary in his file. I march down and point, " See here, they changed it"! Then he hands me a pill container from his bag, and points. I state, "That is an old prescription, see my large X on the lid"? "It's medicine we need to turn in"! "I know what I'm doing, can I help you fill this out"? I reitterate, " I am your Pill Queen, I would not overdose you". I made him say sorry.

    The pill queen of
    Whidbey island

    I can't imagine having vertigo all the time, I get dizzy occasionally and it drives me insane. I hope they can find a treatment for you soon.
    Pill Queen - why do women have to end up taking care of their husbands meds? I understand when it is a mental incapacity thing, but I have witnessed my Grandmother, Mother and Mother In Law have to "police" My Mom was not good at it though when my Dad had cancer. I remember calling home one night to have my evening chat and she was laughing because she had given him his sleeping pill in the morning instead of the evening. It was shortly after that that I went home. She was completely messed up and was literally overdosing my Dad. Looking back on it we think it was the first signs of her Alzheimer's we had put it down to the stress of caring for Dad.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla, of course you may use the quote, i loved it.

    Good for you to be confident enough to drive the motor home. I'm in awe.

    Janetr OKC
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,742 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited June 2018
    Snowflake, that's a tough thing, to take charge of pills etc. My neighbor, when we lived in Oregon had no structure when it came to pill taking. I felt bad for her, she was in her 90's, so I would fill her weekly prescription container. When I would refill it, some weren't taken, some moved, and the container partitions covered with grease etc. She now has a senior assistance helper come and help her. My father showed early signs of lewy body dementia, and Alzheimer's. He would leave, door ajar, and burners on. It's a sad sad situation. Hugs!
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Snowflake, that's a tough thing, to take charge of pills etc. My neighbor, when we lived in Oregon had no structure when it came to pill taking. I felt bad for her, she was in her 90's, so I would fill her weekly prescription container. When I would refill it, some weren't taken, some moved, and the container partitions covered with grease etc. She now has a senior assistance helper come and help her. My father showed early signs of lewy body dementia, and Alzheimer's. He would leave, door ajar, and burners on. It's a sad sad situation. Hugs!

    Rebecca:- My dear old Dad has lewy body dementia and Parkinson's disease. He is 91 now and living in a nursing home. It's so very sad, he was such a knowledgeable chap but now he's forgotten all that he knew! He knew all about everything, he would tell us how fast light travels, he knew lots about space travel. When we cleared out the family home last year, we found, and have kept, letters and information from N.A.S.A. that Dad had requested by letter.
    My dear parents,(my lovely Mum passed away 11 years ago) kept everything from years ago. It took my daughters and myself and my brother almost a year to go through everything in the house. It was a very emotional experience. I would sit in his chair by the fire and cry.
    Sorry;- anyway, he is still with us and I'm going to see him on Sunday, which is Father's Day the UK.

    By the way, Rebecca, I love reading your posts. You seem to lead a lovely life on your island with your lovely DH. You make me smile too!
    All the best
    Karen UK x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,830 Member
    here I am home, and walked the dog.. and I am going to go through pictures now for Tracy for the wedding.. and something old... so im hunting, and dont have to go in until noon tomorrow
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    janetr: I love the new message that you posted, "When you believe in yourself you have 100% of the people you need on your side." I like it, and may add it to my quotations list, if you don't mind. :flowerforyou: My motor-home driving experience is pretty limited so far, but I hear that old song in my head, "I can do anything you can do better . . ." So far, so good.

    Heather: Vivaldi is one of my favorite composers. Enjoy Four Seasons for me this evening. :smiley:

    Meg: I am so sorry you are experiencing such a huge loss of companionship. It isn't your fault, yet you are paying a huge share of the consequences for your DH's actions :sad:

    Margaret: I love your painted fence. It was very much worth the time and trouble in my opinion. :star:

    We took the new to us RV to the repair place to have the left front suspension fixed. After that is done, we're ready for a road trip. I hope this guy doesn't operate on Hawaiian time. I want to give it a test run. If it is done soon enough, we'll head over to Eastern Oregon to see DSIL before her surgery. Otherwise we'll see her in the fall when they head this direction.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,437 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member

    Hi Gals,
    Lisa – what a gorgeous home. Glad to hear that all that’s left is the waiting..sometimes the hardest part but you can do it. And time to make some plans, without paying on 2 places at the same time.

    Heather – LOVE hearing about your trips, I have never considered cruising but you make it sound fun.

    Allie – sorry to hear about your feet and legs being sore, when I know I’ll have a long day on my feet, I do the best arch support I can; but also change shoes ½ way through, the change up seems to help my feet not be so affected by the long day.

    All newbies welcome

    Katla – great job driving the RV - It’s not that hard! I drove a school bus in a past life… Funny story: we went camping for our vacations when I was a kid, my mom hates tent camping; no sleeping on the ground or bugs for her – so we did tent trailers, small trailers, trucks with campers; and RVs – My dad would talk to everyone he could to find a “rig” some friend owned that we could borrow; occasionally we would rent. One time in Oregon or Washington, my mom ended up driving the RV through a small town and clipped rearview mirrors all the way down the street…. She couldn’t find a place to pull over till the end of the main street, my sister and I had to walk back down the street and put notes on all the cars that she had damaged… My dad was so mad! But most of the folks whose car mirrors mom hit were just moved not really damaged, I made my sister go get the pie mom had made for dinner and paper plates and most of the folks took pie from us kids instead of making us pay for the mirrors to be fixed. Mom didn’t drive again that trip!

    This is the week for my colonoscopy and while the drinking the clean out stuff is still to come, my medical provider has a pre-routine that is making me crazy. So for yesterday and today it is no fruit, no veggies, no coffee or alcohol, no whole wheat, nuts, seeds, beef, pork or game meat. – so white rice, white bread, skinless chicken breasts, tofu, fish, dairy, and all the sugar I want. And drink 8 ounces of water every hour I am awake. I am missing fruit and veggies! Tomorrow is just clear liquid, then as I have an early morning appointment Thursday it is up and down all night on a crazy schedule drinking the clean you out stuff. It seems so counter to everything I have worked so hard to learn, and really boring; as very few spices are allowed either, nothing with a red tint (chili, paprika, peppers, or any herbs)

    I have talked to a lot of folks and this is the most restrictive of anything anyone has done. Just my luck!


    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Kim))): "This is the week for my colonoscopy and while the drinking the clean out stuff is still to come, my medical provider has a pre-routine that is making me crazy. So for yesterday and today it is no fruit, no veggies, no coffee or alcohol, no whole wheat, nuts, seeds, beef, pork or game meat. – so white rice, white bread, skinless chicken breasts, tofu, fish, dairy, and all the sugar I want. And drink 8 ounces of water every hour I am awake. I am missing fruit and veggies! Tomorrow is just clear liquid, then as I have an early morning appointment Thursday it is up and down all night on a crazy schedule drinking the clean you out stuff. It seems so counter to everything I have worked so hard to learn, and really boring; as very few spices are allowed either, nothing with a red tint (chili, paprika, peppers, or any herbs)"

    This is exactly what we had to do for our colonoscopies. Your doctor isn't the only one giving these instructions. I did my prep at home & let DH drive me from home because I was too much of a cheapskate to rent a hotel room near the place. It was an unpleasant lesson with nearly 40 miles of feeling the urge. Luckily my insides were empty so it wasn't as horrid as adding an "accident" to the list would have been. When it was DH's turn, he did his clean out process in a hotel less than a mile from the surgery center. I recommend staying as close by the place as you can. The procedure itself was not unpleasant. The prep was the worst part for both of us.

    With all sympathy,
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Barbara, I broke the ankle because my foot fell asleep then crumbled under me when I tried to stand. I have a history of injuries to this ankle. It is my short leg, my weak knee, and my weak ankle. As to the mammogram expense, it’s complicated, and they did cover some, but....

    If we had waited one more week, and coded it preventative, insurance would have covered 100% of the mammogram and would not have done the ultrasound because they wouldn’t have deemed it necessary. If it had been coded preventative at the time I had it done, insurance would have paid zero. As it was, with being coded diagnostic, insurance paid for both, but I had to pay my share and my deductible needed to be met as well. Hence my share was $630. This happened to me once before with a colonoscopy. The doctor freaked because there was blood in my stool and coded the colonoscopy diagnostic. I had to pay $1000 for that one. The next time, he coded it diagnostic due to family history and insurance paid 100%. I’m still going to see the surgeon on July 10. I just love paying for doctor’s.

    Back to the ankle, my DH gave me a lecture about how as I get older I need to plan my moves better when transitioning, especially from a seated to a standing position. Don’t I feel old?

    My boot, my scooter and I went to annual conference today and did just fine. I sat on the front row with my scooter in front of me out of the flow of traffic. It actually wasn’t bad. There is a zippered pouch on the handlebars for all my stuff. What’s rough is sleeping in the darn boot. Not comfy. Surprisingly, pain meds are not necessary.

    Lisa, congrats on the House. It has great potential. I can’t wait to see what y’all do with it.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,830 Member
    Evening Ladies
    Just went through a boatload of pictures,to give to my daughter for the wedding.Family that is no longer here...wow will have to set some time aside when there is yucky weather and sort through them all,and sort of get them into groups of Families..
    Tom watching the lil guy tomorrow afternoon as they are coming to put in the microwave,and Doug is going to put down the strip between the carpet and laminate floor...and that will be that ...got the condo Documents from real estate agent.doug sent them to but will download them onto my laptop.
    Mary the curmudgeon at work is ticked off.. because our office manager is away next week,and I am leaving early Friday, because of closing,and wedding,her son graduates the night before.and all she can do is complain that she will be up all night and she has to work the next day and I'll be no help because I will only be there a few hrs.
    When I am sitting in the office with her,I answer the phones,make the appointments,field from every which way ,while she texts away on her phone or gets up and goes to talk to someone...she could have taken the day off,but she never goes anywhere or does anything with her husband or son...
    Not my fault I have plans,and the closing was changed by attorneys not me..
    Ok rant over lol...
    Well I'm.hitting the hay..nighty night.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,742 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    I think it's our role to provide the glue to keep family together.

    I believe that is a woman's role as well. My husband is the same as yours, I have to do all of the communicating, even with his family.

    I respectfully disagree. I did that in my first marriage called my father and mother-in-law for holidays, bought and sent the presents or flowers, called to chat -- never got credit for it from anyone -- not my in-laws or my then husband. I even kept it up for a couple years after the divorce -- sending flowers or gifts at Christmas -- never got any thanks. And my ex-husband was just perceived as a jerk by his own siblings because he completely ignores all of them unless he wants something and then bullies them until they tell him to get lost or he gets violent. (Yep. It happened to my ex-brother-in-law.) Just one reason we're divorced, but not actually THE reason.

    So I don't do it this time. I do buy my step-kids and in-laws gifts, but they are from me, not us. If my husband wants to communicate with his family and buy them gifts, he can do it himself. I don't want to make my husband look bad, so I try not to be a jerk, but it's not my job to make him look good. If that makes sense.

    Felicia -- struck a nerve
    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    LOVE your reply, u go gurl!