

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    (((Lisa and Corey))) Your FIL looks like a wonderful guy, and I hope you will find solace in sweet memories of your times with him.

    KJ: Those photos of the boys are just hilarious. I am in awe of you.

    Sue: Impressed by how much you have accomplished on your property. Love your swimming/breathing tips. Never thought of humming underwater before....

    Heather: Your photos make me smile. I love how you squeeze so much fun out of your holidays. Miss Edie in her school garb -- I can see the anticipation and excitement in her face and feet.

    Michele: Go easy with Denise's move. She has got to eventually realize you and Vince are not longshoremen. Can they afford to hire a professional move-out cleaning service?

    My DF taught me to swim by having me jump off the diving board of our home pool when I was about 2 years old. I don't remember this, but did unearth some 8mm home movies documenting this, which if do say so myself, are adorable. :D Thankfully, I've always carried plenty of natural buoyancy.

    I had a chiropractic adjustment followed by therapeutic massage this afternoon. My back and neck muscles were 'popping' from the massage therapist working out the kinks. WONDERFULLL!!! I have already made my next appointment in 6 six weeks.

    Spoke with Meg as she was on the road with DD heading to Denver earlier today. Will see them on Sunday...yeaaah!

    Stay well friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: "rode again to work from the gym... only 7:25am here and i am already over 900 calories burned and i still have to run 1/2 mi and ride home"
    You must be the energizer bunny. :bigsmile:

    Okie: Congrats on getting your property tax lowered. That is a grand victory. :bigsmile:

    Heather: I think I'd love the narrow gauge steam train. I hope you'll share a photo of it. The photo of you and your DH with your raised wine glasses in the dining room is wonderful. :flowerforyou:

    Tracey in Edmonton: I'm so sorry that your friend's DH is having trouble. It must be both frightening and overwhelming for her. Does he seem to realize what he's doing, or is he unaware? :huh:

    Rita: What a beautiful lake! Thanks for sharing the photo. :star:

    Becca: Do you have a grandbaby on the way? I think Mimi and Chief are great as grandparent names. I had an Aunt Mimi, her actual given name was Marian, so it made sense. My Auntie Irene was Re-Re to her grand kids. I called her Auntie Reenie. They were my mom's older sisters. She had a third older sister who passed away before I was born, so I never knew her. We have a picture and she looked very much like my mom. :heart:

    Felicia: Property prices in Portland have gone crazy, and they seem to be boosting prices in neighboring towns. :ohwell: I'll be happy enough for high prices if we ever decide to sell. My DH saw the places where we now live and fell head over heels for them. I was skeptical but have come to love it here. :heart: I am sorry and horrified about the water supply problems in Salem. It looks great in one news report and horrible in the next. I hope things are resolved sooner rather than later. I lived in West Salem from 7th grade until I left for college, & off of State Street during grade school years. If I was still in my parent's last home in Salem, I'd be getting my water at Wallace Park. (((HUGS)))

    Sue in WA: You have certainly made amazing progress on your property. It was a lucky thing that the former owners were antisocial hoarders. It meant the property was available to you at a reasonable price. You had the ability to visualize what it could become and seem happy with your improvements. WTG!!! :star:

    Keri: Welcome to a great group! Like Barbie, I found this thread a couple of years ago. Barbie was already taking care of the group by setting a wonderful example and starting a new thread for us each month. I have found so much great support here and hope you will appreciate it as much as I do. :smiley:

    We are making huge progress in turning our "new to us motor home" into our own. It was in clean condition when we bought it, although some curtains need repair or replacement. We've put anti rattle non-skid on most flat surfaces to keep things from rattling and banging. It has very low miles, especially for a rig that has been old enough to vote for quite a few years. Our first planned trip is to visit DH's sister in Eastern Oregon. She is getting ready for a shoulder replacement in July, and he wants to visit before then. We are close to ready for that, but not quite yet. We need the curtains for privacy before we travel.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.”
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Rori – In some ways I wish Pete would get transferred down south. I’m not saying that I want them to live near me (although that would be nice), but just so that they can have their own marriage, ask questions and solve problems on their own while we’re alive to give them advice. Not having someone run in all the time and solving all their problems. They don't have any friends. When Denise was graduating, she only got a certain amount of tickets and she wanted Pete's parents to come so she asked us how she can get more tickets. We told her to ask a friend who may not be using theirs. That's when she admitted that she didn't have any friends. Actually, she has one -- and only one -- friend, Angela who was in the wedding. Now she'll be moving away from her one and only friend. I’m thinking they can afford to hire a cleaning service, but since we’re here to help move, why not save a bit more money??? Actually, I wanted us to go up for Denise’s birthday, but she had made other arrangements. Then we were going to go up next weekend, but Pete wanted us to help the weekend of Father’s Day so that they’d have enough time to paint (as if you can’t paint with furniture in the house) etc. Well, I’m just going to sit back. We think there will be fireworks, but probably that we won’t hear about. Vince thinks that Denise will slip and tell us, I question this. Give Meg my very best.

    Michele in NC
    who remembers fondly your visit here
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2018
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Have not been able to swim this week since I started working full time. But I HAVE kept up with the SWSY weights and hula hoop/walk/Exercycle cardio.

    Tomorrow I’m getting to the gym when it opens at 7:00 to swim. They do swim lessons with babies and their parents at 9:00 to noon and the pool is closed for swimming at that time so I have to go that early. Now that I’m working full time I’ll be lucky to get to swim once a week.

    The advice on breathing while swimming sounds right to me. I never really think about it but I sure do push that breath all out into bubbles so I can get a nice big breath in. I can only go three full arm movements until I need to breathe again doing the crawl, but I can go 1/2 pool length before I need a breath breaststroke.

    Niece graduates high school this weekend. So, we will be doing the family thing all weekend starting Saturday afternoon. Should be fun.

    Happy weekend all, see you in the next week!

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Checking in!
    Wow! 225 posts.
    I’ve had house guests; SIL & BIL. We all had a good time. I guess I was anticipating a disaster! Silly me!

    My DD is about to pull in. She’s driving straight thru from Florida. A 13 hr. trip.
    She’s bringing up the grands up to stay for a couple of weeks. She’s taken on 2nd job and doesn’t have a sitter. Her ex still hasn’t paid any support to her. He keeps having his attorney extend court dates on her. I hope it’s over soon for her.

    Take care!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Headed to Phila for the weekend to spend time with my sisters. Always a good thing, though emotional and exhausting as sisters can be drama driven! First I’m hitting the gym just for cardio, the hotel I will spend the night in has a gym for tomorrow morning so I will be able to stay on track.

    Rori I have fond memories of our visit as well. Enjoy your visit with meg

    Have a great healthy weekend everyone.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Saturday!
    Heather- Love the pic of you and your DH at dinner! You are wearing that gorgeous lace shrug! Tres belle! Like Rori said, I too, love that you seem to get the most enjoyment possible out of your trips! "sucking the marrow" out of life!
    Michele- Don't overdo helping the kids move! Try to keep Vince from overdoing it! It seems our DH's ignore the signs to "stop"; especially when helping our kids!
    Rori- Yea! Another meet up with one of our group! I have to confess that a lot of my activities with my daycare kids come from my years as a girl scout leader. As a matter of fact; when our local troops would hold their "daycamp" in the summer, I would volunteer to watch the leader's younger kids (usually boys) on site. I would bring my own daycare group, talk a few older girls and adults into helping and would end up with about 15-20 kids with me (us). We would follow the theme of the daycamp and do our own hikes, crafts, activities. We would begin and end each day with the girlscouts, attending their opening and closing ceremonies. But, yeah, we sing a lot of camp songs and do a lot of camp activities in my daycare. Good stuff for boys and girls!
    Some one asked about the boys- Don't worry, they aren't sunburned! It is chalk! We found out that if you get sidewalk chalk wet, it makes a wonderful paint. They turn themselves into indian warriors, zombies, monsters. Most days they can accomplish being those things without chalk paint! lol
    Swimming-I didn't learn to swim until I was 12. I went to summer camp every summer and would stay in the shallow part of the lake, as the other kids my age were swimming out past the dock, to the raft, etc. When I turned 12, I finally decided to take the swim lessons/tests that the camp gave (they were free while we were attending). I was there for three weeks that year and made it to the "swimmers" level, which meant I could swim past the dock and out to the raft on my own. I was quite proud of myself! Summer camp only went to age 14, so the next two summers I advanced in my swimming ending with the lifesaving level. The test for that included a half mile swim (across the lake and back). I passed and have enjoyed swimming ever since. When I lived in Mexico, I did some cliff diving; although I didn't dive, I just jumped from those heights. The scariest part is right before you jump. You just have to do it.
    Barbie- I remember looking at the class rosters for my kids when they were in early elementary. My daughter was in a girl heavy year (graduating class), my son's year was 3/4 boys. I always felt so bad for those early el teachers!

    Well, I better get going; have to get to the grocery store before DYS needs the car for work! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Machka- So happy to hear of the progress DH is making! Hope your meds help with the hot flashes/nausea! I sometimes think if cafes and restaurants would turn off their music (even if it is playing softly) people would talk quieter. I often think if there is even soft music playing, people feel the need to increase their own volume.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    When I taught swimming I would have swimmers practice breathing from freestyle without using arms first. I would have them stand if adults hold onto the side if children and practice blowing those bubbles and when they needed a breath turn your head so you are looking over your shoulder chin pointing to you shoulder. Once that was mastered then add arms while in place or holding onto the wall.

    Now when I swim I enjoy a bicycle leg kick while a noodle supports me that way I can enjoy the mural and view of the park at the pool where I swim. I try to go Tuesday and Thursday well before 10 so I beat all the families and children who love to splash come.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2018
    Rori: Your therapeutic massage sounds great. I know that many people find just the right person to help them. I'm so happy that you have had such good luck. :heart: My dad warned me off of chiropractors decades ago so I've never used one. Dad must have had a bad experience with someone. He went to an osteopathic physician instead. :ohwell:

    (((Machka))): You have so much to handle already that adding hot flashes to the mix seems cruel. My doctor put me on hormone therapy for a while when I was going through the change, but the pills were worse than the hot flashes so I stopped taking them. Doctor said I'd be back for more, but he didn't know how awful I felt taking the pills. I found that vitamin D3 and calcium were helpful. I hope you find a combination that works for you. :star:

    Barbie: I love the elimination diet! Thanks for sharing. :flowerforyou:

    I love reading about all the healthy strategies people in this group follow to improve their health, from swimming, walking, running and bike riding to golf and horseback riding. All are great at improving overall health. In my case, yoga takes care of my sore spots and grumpy muscles extremely well. My worst physical problem is my left knee. Years ago I developed bursitis in that knee during a riding lesson. My teacher at the time had me posting at a trot in a continuous left hand circle for an hour. My knee couldn't handle it and I developed bursitis in that knee. I was also significantly overweight then. I still feel pain in that knee from time to time and am currently working on dropping just enough weight to take the pressure off of my knee. A combination of weight loss, aided by MFP calorie counting, my friends here on the Women 50+ group and yoga have made a huge difference in my life. :heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    (((Machka))): You have so much to handle already that adding hot flashes to the mix seems cruel. My doctor put me on hormone therapy for a while when I was going through the change, but the pills were worse than the hot flashes so I stopped taking them. Doctor said I'd be back for more, but he didn't know how awful I felt taking the pills. I found that vitamin D3 and calcium were helpful. I hope you find a combination that works for you. :star:

    I was keeping things relatively under control with a combination of vitamins and minerals including Evening Primrose Oil, Vit D, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Valerian, and several others.

    But in the last 2-3 weeks, as my stress level escalated, so did the incidence of the hot flashes ... to the point where I finally thought that it was getting ridiculous. I can't take hormones, so I'll try this other stuff and see how it goes.

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    katla B)
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    June ...

    Friday, 1 June 2018 ... 2.9 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Saturday 2 June 2018 ... 2.9 km running + 3.1 km walking + 12.6 km cycling indoors with Zwift
    Sunday 3 June 2018 ... 2.6 km running + 3.5 km walking + 10.45 km cycling indoors with Zwift
    Monday, 4 June 2018 ... 5.2 km walking + 4 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 5 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 5 June 2018 ... 5.1 km walking + 10.76 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 4 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 6 June 2018 ... 4.8 km walking + 4 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 7 June 2018 ... 4.5 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Friday, 8 June 2018 ... 2.3 km walking + 4 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 9 June 2018 ... 6.6 km walking

    2017 Monthly June
    Walking Distance (km): 43.5
    Walking Time (min): 543.8
    Cycling Distance (km): 37.8
    Cycling Time (min): 121.8
    Stairs Climbed Number: 29.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 23.2

    Total Distance (km): 81.3
    Total Distance (miles): 50.5
    Total Time (min): 688.7
    Total Time (hr): 11:28:43