

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    edited June 2018
    rode again to work from the gym... only 7:25am here and i am already over 900 calories burned and i still have to run 1/2 mi and ride home :#:#:#
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Heather- that can't be Bea. Is it Edie?
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I have successfully protested our taxes in Williamson County, TX. They were raising them based on us building our shop. They had aerial photos but couldn’t get in the gate to get details. I had receipts and contracts for the work we had done and did ourselves. They ended up lowering our property value $20,000 more than I was shooting for.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Heather- that can't be Bea. Is it Edie?

    I agree, Kelly. That's Edie the middle girl.

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Lanette: We started out with an Oster blender, too. We used in primarily for making Margaritas & Daquiris. We still have it but haven't used it in a couple of years. I've quit alcohol and DH prefers beer. The blender is on the shelf in the garage beside the Cuisinart. :embarassed: We seem to acquire things more often than we release them. :ohwell:

    Meg: Sorry to hear about the drama with your daughters. (((HUGS)))

    Sue: Arrow is also a quarter horse gelding, and about the same age as the one you're thinking of buying. He seems to really enjoy trail riding. I've never owned a horse and don't expect to due to all the challenges with DH's health. I'm feeling very lucky that I can ride Arrow on trails that adjoin his owner's property. My trail riding friend has a mare that is moody and bratty. She followed Arrow last time we rode and was much better behaved than the time before when she was the lead horse. My experience is much more limited than yours. I bet you'll do a great job with your purchase. I hope he is biddable & turns out to have a sound mind and body. :heart:

    Rebecca: I like the advice you gave to Rye about taking life in small bites. Give Whidbey a chance to grow on you. The climate nearer the north end of the island seems a quite bit sunnier than the part at the southern end, and the hospital in the middle has a good reputation among the people I know. The main difference that I know about is that you have more daylight in summer there than Astoria, and less daylight in winter than Astoria. Our friends on Orcas Island just a bit farther north than Whidbey have become snowbirds and take their RV south for the winters. :star:

    Kim: Snow peas are an early crop around here. I planted them right after the last expected frost date. Maybe you'd have better success with an earlier planting date. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I don't grow snow peas any more although DH & I both loved to eat them. Since he's been put on a restricted diet for irritable bowel syndrome he can't have them at all. I bet you can find seed in your local stores. They are an early crop here. :star:

    Heather: In Oregon, property taxes support our local schools, as well as the city and county for all the work they do maintaining roads, water, sewers, police, fire departments, etc. We do not have sales tax except on cigarettes, alcohol & marijuana. :noway:

    I plan to go to yoga today, and we need to go into the county offices to figure out where we will be parking for the fourth of July week. We won't be in the horse area, but they think they have a good solution for us. We've already paid, and they have hired an outside company to manage that part of business, so who knows what will happen with our money.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
    C. S. Lewis
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    edited June 2018
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Lisa, so sorry to hear about your father in law. Hugs to both of you.
    Heather, lovely photos, such a charming looking town.
    Tried a class at the Y this morning, core strength, truly enjoyed it! I will be going back for more!! lol I am enjoying my Y membership, glad that I decided to go there!
    Our son and daughter in law have invited us over for dinner tomorrow night. I'm hoping that we can get the air cleared and get our relationship back on an even keel. Also hoping that it will end with us being able to have our grandson at least a few times a month, really would like to get to know him!
    My eating still needs to get on track, but I'm working on it!
    Hugs to those who need them congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

    Maybe this is your son and daughter in law's way of trying to heal and move forward. I hope it goes well for you. Have they refused to let you have your grandson? I can't imagine how hurtful that would be.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    edited June 2018
    exermom wrote: »

    Tracey – when your friend’s hubby had to change his diet, what sort of change did he have to make? I wonder if something like this (if it was a TIA) will show up in his routine blood work

    Michele in NC

    My friend's husband had to have a lot of tests, EKG, ECG, stress tests, MRI's and CT Scans. I believe it was the CT Scan that showed that he had been having TIA's. Once my friend knew what was going on she recognizes when he has them quite easily. She has told me about a couple specific ones from before he was diagnosed though.

    One time they were going to be going to town. He went outside she assumed to start the car, he came back in the house and was just standing at the counter holing onto it and staring off into space. She asked him what was wrong and he seemed to "look right through" her. He was this way for she said about 45 seconds. He then asked her if they were ready to go. They went out to the car and it wasn't running. She asked him where the keys were and he became very angry because he couldn't remember doing anything with them. They found the keys in the barbecue that is on the porch. This was about a year before he was diagnosed. He shrugged it off, said he didn't know what he was thinking. She thought it was strange at the time, but allowed it to pass.

    Another one was they were putting wood into the basement for the winter. They have a window that is made just for throwing the wood in. They had been working for a while throwing it in and their daughter was in the basement stacking it. All of a sudden he started piling the wood outside as if it was the most natural thing. She asked him what he was doing, he became angry at her and continued piling it outside. She said he turned red and started sweating. She suggested they take a break and they did. After a few minutes he asked how come she piled the wood up outside.

    He had to get his cholesterol and blood pressure lower. He also had to refrain from hard to digest foods, for him it was adding a lot more fibre to his diet. I don't know the exact foods but I remember telling her me he couldn't eat carrots and corn anymore, which were her favourite vegetables.

    They tried Keto this winter, after his brother and wife started doing it. However, about 4 weeks in his brother had a massive heart attack. There is a big heart disease problem in that family. He has lost his mother and two brothers to what they call the "widowmaker" heart attacks. One brother was only 48 and left behind 5 young children. Because of the family history they were told by the doctor to stay away from Keto because of the high fat content. So they are limiting sugar and carbs a bit, but not doing full on Keto. The TIA's they have been told are warnings for the big one to come. He is only 59 now.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Tracey the trainer had me sit on floor with a yoga roller (foam cylinder) leaning back I put my calves on the roller and had one leg rest on top —roll your calf until you find the “knot” or most tender spot and lean into the roller for a bit it will hurt, next point your toe and continue to lean, flex the toe etc. do the whole routine with the other calf on the bottom—-hope I explained it ok. There’s probably a YouTube clip of this somewhere. It was a very good massage/stretch and could manage the squats better after I stretched out

    Lisa thinking of you and your DH - sending strength and love


    Thank you for that! I am going to try this. My calves have felt like I am going to have a charlie horse for weeks now.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    edited June 2018

    Katla – As a lifeguard at the city pool we had ‘swimming lessons’ … I felt that ‘if I did nothing but teach them ‘how to tread water’ and ‘roll over on their backs with arms and legs extended’ I had, at least, taught them things they could do while waiting for help. While it isn’t a good idea to ‘throw a kid into water’ I did it with one of my charges and he learned how to do these two things and then I could not keep him out of the pool or jumping off the low dividing board and swimming to the ladder. He still remembers it; and at our last class reunion (which was a multi-class) he came up to me and said that he had had a ‘crush on me’. I laughed and said that I was surprised he ever talked to me after that.

    Tracey – I just thought it was strange that we ate 4 hours apart and we got sick 4 hours apart that evening. That was the sickest sick I have ever been.


    I am currently in swim lessons. I have learned to swim on my back and to tread a bit. I can front crawl and float as well. I am struggling terribly with breathing! I have only been able to do it right a few times. It is so frustrating. I have two classes left, I think I'll sign up for another 8 at the end of July.

    I agree that is strange, maybe this guy had no idea what he was talking about. I'm sure it's not an exact science LOL Hope you are feeling better today.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited June 2018
    swimming I do not remember not knowing how to swim - crawl and breaststroke anyway. I was very young when my lessons started. I struggle not to sink doing backstroke tho. And never learned butterfly stroke.

    As for breathing - one fellow in Our pool uses a snorkel. He said he never did learn to breathe properly but did want the swim workout. He is actually quite good and fast.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    swimming I do not remember not knowing how to swim - crawl and breaststroke anyway. I was very young when my lessons started. I struggle not to sink doing backstroke tho. And never learned butterfly stroke.

    As for breathing - one fellow in Our pool uses a snorkel. He said he never did learn to breathe properly but did want the swim workout. He is actually quite good and fast.

    My husband said the same thing he doesn't remember not knowing how to swim.

    I was never in swim lessons, I remember swimming when I was younger, but when I was 8 or so I was held under. I would go in a pool, but only in the shallow end where I could touch bottom.

    My daughter suggested a snorkel the other day, I said "isn't that cheating", she didn't think it was. I'll keep trying for a while to see how I get along, I'm quite determined to get this.
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Tracey in Edmonton, they sort of have refused to let us have our grandson. I work weekends, so can't get together with them then and of course they both work Mon - Fri. I had asked, when she went back to work, if we could have him one day a week and was told that she didn't want him to miss any parties or fun with his daycare friends. That was quite the slap in the face. So the only time we get to see him is if we invite them over for dinner on a long weekend, when we all have the holiday Monday off. This works out to only a few hours every six weeks or so....
    Kelly and someone else, (sorry!) I'm really hoping they are planning this dinner with reconciliation in mind. I have always been so close to our son, and it really hurts being shut out like this. I do realize he's a married man now and must support his wife (I certainly don't want to get in the middle of any issues they may have), but I'm his mother and grandmother to his child so I think I (and hubby, his father!) also deserve some respect and consideration.
    Lisa, lovely photo of you with Corey and his dad. You all look so happy!!!
    Rita, love the water view!
    Heather, your cruise sounds lovely, they sure are keeping you busy!
    I did swim lessons when I was a kid, never did get the breathing down either. I will go in a pool, but not for swimming, I've done water aerobics (fun!) in the deep end and shallow end, I did use a flotation device around my waist while in the deep end, it wouldn't have saved me from drowning, but just gave a bit of an assist to keep me from sinking. Although, apparently fat floats so I shouldn't have a problem there..... I must admit tho, I don't like being cold and wet, so even if the pool is warmish, when I get out I am wet and do get cold, so I do would rather do "dry" exercise! I did a core strength class yesterday for the first time. Oh My! She worked muscles in places I forgot I had! lol Am feeling it this morning, but it's a good hurt. I will go back for more!
    Guess that's it for me for now. Hope everyone has a great day! Hugs for those who need them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, on cloudy Vancouver Island