Ann262 Member

  • Re: Winter Running?

    Wear lots of layers a yaktrax (good for walking the dogs too.…
  • Re: Do I need to eat my calories burned during exercise?

    If you are logging accurately, and you exercise alot, you need to take in more calories. I love the MFP helps you do that. It does depend on accurate logging. Did you really eat a 3 oz. piece of chic…
  • Re: Make plans, not resolutions.

    Good but, what if you eat a deficit of 500 calories per day, but come July 31, you have only lost 25 pounds or 15? Have you failed? Some people would think they did fail. That is was I was talking ab…
  • Good Sound Nutrition?

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a book or resource to learn about good solid nutrition? I am 57 and over the years, I have fallen into many nutrition "fads". Diet pills and slim fast …
  • Re: LuluLemon...worth the price?

    I totally agree that quality is worth paying more for. For the most part, you get what you pay for. Running shoes, I get what my feet need..prices is secondary. For working out, outside in cold weath…