Ann262 Member

  • Decided to join WW

    I decided to join WW because just counting calories in and out wasn't doing it. I know I was going over in calories some days but I was just darn hungry. Will power just doesn't work for me. If I thi…
  • Re: How do you change your mind set?

    OMG! I am right there with you. I am 61 and have seen so many fads; various foods and food groups demonized over the years. It is ridiculous! Fit for Life, The Mayo Diet, Atkins, South Beach, the Zon…
  • Re: Comments about what I eat

    THIS!! I flirted with eating disorder when I was in my teens and twenties. I have no idea why I didn't cross over into that but am grateful I didn't. Still....the obsession with my weight was there a…
  • Re: Comments about what I eat

    Yes, I think you are right. People have this idea that someone losing weight should eat lettuce and cottage cheese all the time. Generally, my husband is very supportive, just every now and then, he …
  • Re: Comments about what I eat

    Often times,I think the comments are well meaning...or meaningless. It bugs me all the same.