Poerava14 Member

  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JUNE 2021

    Debbie in Napa Valley: I sit here in awe of all the work you and your mom have done and propose to do. I hope she takes care not to overdo it. If I was her neighbor I would definitely step up to help…
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JUNE 2021

    Michele: I hope your future visits to Pete and Denise are more loving. Sounds like PJ is a happy, active little boy, and I'd love to see pictures if you got any. Margaret: That was very kind of you t…

    I don't celebrate Thanksgiving in a traditional way ever since I learned the true story of the first Thanksgiving, and the plight of Native Americans thereafter. It's a terrible story that seldom get…
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JULY 2020

    Happy Friday from Caregiver Cave. I got far behind with this thread and only just caught up on over 300+ posts. Belated birthday and anniversary wishes to all who celebrate this month. 🎈🥳💃🏽 Guessing …
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JUNE 2020

    Machka: Hoping all goes well with your husband. I can understand how stressful it can be wondering how to carry out a major medical visit without benefit of his meds. ((peace and hugs)) Pip: Next to …