rainbow198 Member

  • Re: Eating out

    Thank you so much @MadisonMolly2017 - it has been an amazing ride. I'm so glad my little tips has helped you! Congrats on your weight loss and reaching maintenance! Wishing you the best of luck! ❤
  • Re: Eating out

    I went to this fancy 5 course dinner celebration last night. So much yummy Italian food. The food just kept coming and coming. Felt like a dream. Lol I could have seriously gotten full off the appeti…
  • Re: Women 35 to 55 success stories.

    I lost 80+ pounds on my own and without a gym membership in my mid - late 30's. I'm in my early 40's now and have kept all of the weight off and in my best shape of my life doing things I've never do…
  • Re: Walking

    Those walk at home workouts have been very effective for me. I lost the majority of my weight (80 pounds) by using them regularly and they still keep me in shape while maintaining. I use more muscle …
  • Re: Your #1 love/hate exercise

    Curtsy lunges. It's an unnatural movement for me, but it really works my lower body so I do them.