Eating out



  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,187 Member
    I only go out about once a month and if I can’t really guess, I skip that day of logging and just enjoy myself. Get back on the wagon the next day. If it’s more of a lunch spot, I try to log the individual components of the meal as best as I can.
  • kathywilcox9
    kathywilcox9 Posts: 8 Member
    I am retired and we travel about 4 times yearly. I find that every time we travel and come back from a trip, I am 3-5 pounds heavier. I try to not over do the eating. I eat salads instead of fries, skip dessert most times, and generally don't go over board, but I am on vacation, so I do get some treats and we eat at buffets a lot (on a ship). I have learned that if I cut way back when I get home, the weight goes as fast as it came.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I went to rib joint yesterday that posted calories on the menu bthe lowest thing on the menu was an appetizer for 500. Most were over 1500 (one was 4000) Thats mult calories for the day.

    I wound up splittling an appetizer with a colleague for 500 calories and was still stuffed.

    I think the most portent learn in maintenance is recognizing when you're full and stop eating. You've got to know the body.
  • juyish
    juyish Posts: 5 Member
    Stay away from the items that are based with a lot of heavy creams and also before you go research the food so you have choices.
  • bigbandjohn
    bigbandjohn Posts: 769 Member
    There are quite a few Thai and Indian entries in the database, not always for the exact place or the exact dish. Especially if it's infrequent visits then you can definitely get away with approximating based on that. I tend to average based on the closest dish at the closest type of restaurant with similar portions. Many regions now force even smaller restaurant chains to post caloric content, so you may get lucky finding things.

    I "regularly" (once every couple months) go to a Thai restaurant near my house. Most of the curries on the menu I can find caloric content in the database from different restaurants. Pad Thai also has numerous entries. A couple items I found either a Japanese or Chinese dish that was similar and based it on that. I have had a little luck with Indian food (found a Balti entry), but really haven't been to many Indian restaurants since I started tracking. You may consider looking at entries for pre-packaged items from SWAD and MTR if you can't find restaurant entries for items you are having. May not be perfect, but should at least give you a baseline.

    You can also look for recipes online and add them to your app to get you in the ballpark of the caloric content if you can't find the items in the database. I did that for a salmon dish I love. Just make sure you determine the correct portion relative to the recipe.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    I went to this fancy 5 course dinner celebration last night. So much yummy Italian food. The food just kept coming and coming. Felt like a dream. Lol I could have seriously gotten full off the appetizers only!

    Everything I wanted, I ate...I just didn't/couldn't eat the entire portions. I knew what was on the menu prior to going so I knew ahead of time what I wanted and what I didn't want.

    I try to be smart about things. I LOVED one of the appetizers and the bread and bruschetta, but I knew I had to watch it and don't have too much. The desserts I wasn't crazy about so I took a couple of bites and left it. I took breaks too and I stopped eating when I was full. I still tell myself just because it's on a plate in front of me doesn't mean I have to eat it unless I wanted it.

    Even 6 years into maintenance I can't believe how much control over food I have now. It felt great not feeling overly stuffed, but very satisfied and eating exactly what I wanted without guilt. Learning how to leave food on my plate and knowing when my body has had enough to eat took me years to master.

    I know I am up on the scale from all of the sodium and carbs, but it's okay. I did not overeat for the week, I had some extra calories in the bank and it's just temporary. I'll be back to normal mid-next week.

    When I travel/go on vacation I still stay in control, but I'm usually up on the scale too when I return home.

    Regarding calories, I don't log but I journal what I eat. I guesstimate and try to search online for an idea, but I would never really know.

    I don't have many nights like the above and I cook almost all of my meals myself. I do go out for regular pizza with my hubby every Friday night and I make a high calorie dessert on Saturday. For this I save up calories during the week and it's much easier to figure out how much I'm consuming.

    Congratulations @rainbow198 on your maintenance & healthy changes!

    Thank you for your very helpful post. It helped me so much (3+ years wt loss, 2 months in maintenance.)

    I like your ideas of a weekly meal out & a dessert one time a week on specific days.

    And I will continue to practice listening to my body & leaving food on my plate!

    Many thanks!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    I went to this fancy 5 course dinner celebration last night. So much yummy Italian food. The food just kept coming and coming. Felt like a dream. Lol I could have seriously gotten full off the appetizers only!

    Everything I wanted, I ate...I just didn't/couldn't eat the entire portions. I knew what was on the menu prior to going so I knew ahead of time what I wanted and what I didn't want.

    I try to be smart about things. I LOVED one of the appetizers and the bread and bruschetta, but I knew I had to watch it and don't have too much. The desserts I wasn't crazy about so I took a couple of bites and left it. I took breaks too and I stopped eating when I was full. I still tell myself just because it's on a plate in front of me doesn't mean I have to eat it unless I wanted it.

    Even 6 years into maintenance I can't believe how much control over food I have now. It felt great not feeling overly stuffed, but very satisfied and eating exactly what I wanted without guilt. Learning how to leave food on my plate and knowing when my body has had enough to eat took me years to master.

    I know I am up on the scale from all of the sodium and carbs, but it's okay. I did not overeat for the week, I had some extra calories in the bank and it's just temporary. I'll be back to normal mid-next week.

    When I travel/go on vacation I still stay in control, but I'm usually up on the scale too when I return home.

    Regarding calories, I don't log but I journal what I eat. I guesstimate and try to search online for an idea, but I would never really know.

    I don't have many nights like the above and I cook almost all of my meals myself. I do go out for regular pizza with my hubby every Friday night and I make a high calorie dessert on Saturday. For this I save up calories during the week and it's much easier to figure out how much I'm consuming.

    Congratulations @rainbow198 on your maintenance & healthy changes!

    Thank you for your very helpful post. It helped me so much (3+ years wt loss, 2 months in maintenance.)

    I like your ideas of a weekly meal out & a dessert one time a week on specific days.

    And I will continue to practice listening to my body & leaving food on my plate!

    Many thanks!

    Thank you so much @MadisonMolly2017 - it has been an amazing ride.

    I'm so glad my little tips has helped you!

    Congrats on your weight loss and reaching maintenance! Wishing you the best of luck! ❤
  • brottishluv
    brottishluv Posts: 5 Member
    I used to eat out a lot, but now i rarely do alone. If I have a social gathering where I will be eating out I look at the menu, try to pick the healthiest thing and leave a 1000 calorie deficit before I go.

    I used to looooove Thai but no thanks anymore, not most Thai places anyway. 1200 calories for a noodle dish with sodium that will bloat me for days and probably 10 grams of protein and little fiber? My priorities have changed.

    Buuuuuut. The point of being in maintenance is you have made it! You can have a day where you eat badly and get back on the wheel. Your body doesn't gain fat that fast.