yirara Member

  • Re: Consistency

    Slow changes, and not trying to do everything at once. A moderate weightloss goal is easier to adhere to then a big one. My take on this is: I don't need to suffer. That means don't eat food I don't …
  • Re: Glycogen-depletion workouts - yea/nay?

    What exactly do you think this will achieve? As someone whose every workout uses glycogen only and who bonks because of depletion regularly due to a medical condition I have to say that I don't see a…
  • Re: Why isn't the scale moving?

    1lbs of muscle weights exactly the same as 1lbs of fat. And it's extremely difficult to gain muscle in a calorie deficit, and especially as a woman. Sure, there'll be some muscle mass gained, but it …
  • Re: How do you get better in the kitchen?

    Oh yeah, and breaded fish or chicken breast next to it is very tasty. Add a few cherry tomatoes shortly before it's ready and serve with crumbled feta or young goats cheese, or hummus or tsatsiki as …
  • Re: Struggling

    I'm not sure you want to hear this, but menopause doesn't make your body burn less energy than the body of a small child. If you've not lost in 1.5 years then you've been eating at maintenance. The g…