zamphir66 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I did a little research and found this from a Representative's page (my emphasis): "Each member of Congress is given a limited number of tickets to distribute to constituents. Due to the COVID-1…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Non-sequiter incoming, but: About the purchase of alcohol, I think every state needs to incorporate some kind of technology into their IDs if they haven't already that can then be read/scanned at a p…
  • Re: Faith in people and machines

    In every restaurant I've worked at, and I've worked at a few, the portions and quantities of everything are scientifically controlled and managed. Frozen burger patties are the same size. Buns are al…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Also in KY, our hospitalization and ICU usage is going up at a pretty steady clip. Over 1000 hospitalized now. I lost a great uncle on Monday, not to COVID but to cancer. I don't know what impact if …
  • Re: Can a "foodie" lose weight and keep it off?

    I'm not entirely sure what the definition of foodie is but I'm just going to assume means someone who likes food almost like an art form. In which case I would say my weight-loss Journey has turned m…