Ann262 Member

  • Re: Decided to join WW

    Nothing, really, but it gives me some guardrails. Yes, I know generally what foods are good for my waistline and which aren't but, apparently, I need more help than that or I wouldn't have gained 40 …
  • Re: Decided to join WW

    I think what I appreciate is the ability, at the end of the day, to be able to have "one more thing" to eat before bed without going "off program". My litmus test for deciding if …
  • Re: Decided to join WW

    They aren't at odds with each other at least for me. They are foods I could binge on but I won't. I do have a friend who said she couldn't follow WW or at least not the purple plan because sh…
  • Re: Decided to join WW

    I don't know. I don't do meetings. I know they were doing Zoom meetings last year but they may have gone back to in person by now.
  • Re: Decided to join WW

    [/quote] Not sure why you got 9 disagrees - if it works for you that's great. I used it years ago and lost 37 lbs so it worked for me too. That was back when you had to track points for everything, I…