Ann262 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Things are pretty open where I am. Some vet clinics are still doing curbside. A good friend of mine is a vet and she said if someone on her staff gets COVID, they have to close down for 2 weeks those…
  • Re: Tips for staying consistent

    Good morning! I think you need a mindset change. First, ask yourself this question. "What bad thing will happen if I don't lose at least 10 pounds by my sister's wedding in August?" Be hone…
  • Re: Feeling discouraged

    I am sorry you are feeling discouraged, I would be too! I know it is easy to miscalculate on the tracker. Still..know that if you are making healthy food choices and excersizing, you are making impor…
  • Re: Gain

    everything crb426 said. Hang in there, you are doing just fine.
  • Re: Calorie cycling thoughts? Feeling overwhelmed!

    Thinking about what you need to do to lose 100 pounds would be overwhelming. I have 40 to lose and find THAT to be overwhelming. What I am trying to do now is set daily goals that will help me feel b…