MikePTY Member

  • Re: People Who Have Lost 50lbs

    I've lost 43 of my planned 50 so far. I agree with not setting time limits. You will lose the weight however fast you lose the weight, but unless it is a specific target for a medical procedure or so…
  • Re: pasta

    Sure. Pasta is a good source of complex carbs, as well as fiber (especially whole wheat versions), and a respectable amount of protein. Any food is bad for you if you overeat it and it causes you to …
  • Re: Meat

    What exactly are you hoping for with "better for me?" If you are looking for lower fat meats, then lean beef (it will have less than turkey), chicken breast (white meat), and pretty much an…
  • Re: Should I take an iron tablet?

    You didn't actually read the study, did you? First off, the study was on women in Nigeria, and makes clear that it's conclusions are regarding women in developing countries, who eat very different di…
  • Re: Avocados

    You can also refridgetate them, which doesn't affect their taste and texture as much. They last several days at least in the fridge.