PeachyCarol Member

  • Re: So many eggs!!!

    So very jealous. Edit: Who flagged this as spam? LOL. I just came in the add that we're going on vacation soon. My game plan for the week for easy eating includes daily consumption of a large salad t…
  • Re: thoughts on low carb diets?

    Not really wanting to derail, and nothing against people who control their carb intake for health reasons. I do it myself. However. I also have a disease in a similar family that Gale has and take a …
  • Re: thoughts on low carb diets?

    Some people love it, some people do better with more carbs. I do well with lower carb than most, but still consider my carbs higher than most low carbers (about 100g). That said, my reason for modera…
  • Re: Weird Addiction Happening

    I can't even. I just can't. You overthink food and overworry about it. You have disordered thinking about it and need help.
  • Re: How do you do 1200 Calories?

    I will agree with you that there are a few people on this thread who should probably be eating more than 1200 calories. HOWEVER... blanket statements are rarely true. Short people with little to lose…